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Planning and Zoning Services Department for assistance will be included in the County Plan. <br />The intent of the hazard mitigation plan is to develop, over time, a disaster resistant community. <br /> <br />B. Execution. <br /> <br />1. General. <br /> <br /> (a) Local mitigation activities are a successful method to create safer, more hazard- <br />resistant communities. Local governments control future development: where, when and how <br />businesses, homes, farms and schools are built in Cabarrus County. These local governments <br />must provide for the mitigation of natural hazards in their efforts. Regardless of the hazard, the <br />economic and social impacts to the county could far exceed the costs of any mitigation planning <br />and efforts. <br /> <br /> (b) Hazard mitigation reduces the loss of life and property from natural disasters and <br />serves as an essential component in emergency management. After natural disasters, repairs and <br />reconstruction are often completed in such a way as to simply restore damaged property to pre- <br />disaster conditions. Replication of pre-disaster conditions results in a repetitive loss cycle of <br />damage, reconstruction, and repeated damage. Hazard mitigation planning ensures that such <br />cycles are broken, that post-disaster repairs .and reconStruction take place after damages are <br />analyzed, and that sounder, less vulnerable conditions are produced. <br /> <br /> (c) Based on the analysis of potential hazard impacts in Appendix A (see Table A-7), <br />the natural hazards with the highest hazard index for Cabarrus County are severe winter storms, <br />severe thunderstorms, and tornadoes. Hurricanes and flooding are rated as moderate, and <br />earthquakes, wildfires, and landslides are rated as low hazard probability. Of all these natural <br />hazards, flooding is the one hazard that.Cabarrus County and local municipalities can take action <br />that will have a significant impact on controlling the effects of this hazard on the citizens and <br />their property. <br /> <br /> (d) Other sections of the hazard mitigation plan outline Cabarrus County's <br />vulnerability to natural hazards and the capability of the County to respond to a natural disaster. <br />With limited financial and staff resources to dedicate to hazard mitigation, it is essential that <br />those hazards with the highest likelihood of occurrence and the greatest potential impact receive <br />immediate attention. <br /> <br />2. Planning Goals <br /> <br /> (a) The plan goals set county priorities for reducing susceptibility to natural hazards. <br />The goals serve as the basis for development of the more specific plan objectives and hazard <br />mitigation activities. The North Carolina Division of Emergency Management has developed <br />four broad goals for the communities of North Carolina to use in developing hazard mitigation <br />plans. These are: <br /> <br />- Decrease the community's vulnerability to future hazard events. <br />- Increase the community's resiliency so that recovery can be quicker and less costly. <br />- Decrease the likelihood that a furore natural hazard becomes a natural disaster. <br />- Ensure that future development contributes to the community's sustainability over time. <br /> <br /> Draft Basic Plan v.3.1 ~Z'- ~ 4 1 July 2002 <br /> <br /> <br />