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The control program utilizes the "containment approach" to supervise and manage sex offenders <br />within our communityl The containment approach has received national recognition. It focuses <br />on offender accountability, participation in long-term treatment, and the use of clinical <br />polygraphs within treatment. Officers supervise offenders within maximized offender contact <br />requirements as well -seeing the offenders are their residences, employment, at their schools, <br />within treatment setting, as well s in the office. <br /> <br />As the second highest felony crime category admission in Cabarrus County, the Department of <br />Correction saw the need to utilize the sex offender control program in District 19A. <br /> <br />In Cabarms County, there are two officers who supervise offenders under the control program, <br />Laura Bame and David Calloway (supervising intensive offenders). Ms. Bame's caseload <br />numbers 32 and she supervises only those convicted of sex offenses. Mr. Calloway, along with <br />his regular intensive caseload and school partnership offenders, supervises sex offenders also <br />sentenced to intensive probation. <br /> <br />In 1998, Mrs. Bame was recognized as Probation/Parole Officer of the year for her outstanding <br />work with this population. <br /> <br />17 <br /> <br /> <br />