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BOYCE & ISLEY ?LLC N0,589 P, 5 <br /> <br />replaced with a loose promise of so-called ~'rein%bursements." It <br />thus became an item of legislative appropriation and, therefore, <br />it is arguably available for redistribution in the State's <br /> budget to re-balance it in an ~fiscal emergency". There are <br /> other laws that provide various other legal methods to meet a <br /> fiscal emergency but state leaders seem not to have chosen to <br /> give them consideration. <br /> <br /> What has happened to local gover~aent is wrong. It is <br />unfair to local governments and their people. It is contrary to <br />what the law says. What is threatened for the current fiscal <br />year is also wrong and against the law. A lawsuit will· soon be <br />filed to determine whether many m~mbers of the Legislature are <br />correct in interpreting the laws~ favoring local goverD_ment or, <br />on the other hand, whether the Executive Branch can rightfully <br />use local tax revenue to bring its b~dget into balance. Without <br />a binding decision several hundred million dollars intended for <br />the needs of local taxpayers and citizens is gone forever. In <br />addition, future needs of local goverr~nents will be hard to meet <br />because they can tax only what the legislature authorizes. <br /> <br /> The lawsuit will not be a Class Action by the local <br />governments who thus far. have authorized us to proceed. While <br />the ntunerousity requirement of Rule 23 governin~ class action <br />procedures may be met, all potential plaintiffs, the 641 <br />counties,' cities and towns, are readily identifiable. Thus, the <br />local gOverranents that participate in achieving a successful <br />court judg~nent should recover and those that choose not become <br />parties will have made on behalf of their local constituents a <br />substantial contribution to the state treasury. <br /> <br /> A draft of a proposed Resolution that each local government <br />may wish to consider is attached. <br /> <br /> <br />