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3. Pursuant to the Incentive Grant Agreement, Borrower is entitled to receive grants <br />relating to the Property (the "Grants") thereunder fi:om Municipality paid annually in arrears in <br />quarterly installments equal to 66.7% of the sales tax generated by each of the Tenants (as <br />defined in the Loan Agreement) for the applicable calendar quarter. It being understood that the <br />Grants expressly exclude any grants payable to the Other Parties (as defined in Exhibit B) or <br />relating to property other than the Property (collectively, the "Other Grants"). The Grant most <br />recently paid to Borrower's predecessor-in-interest was paid on August 23, 2002, and was in <br />amounts equal to $200,150.04 from the City and $487,386.50 from the County. Borrower's <br />predecessor-in-interest was paid the first Grant payable under the Incentive Grant Agreement in <br />October of 2001 and Borrower is scheduled to be paid the last Grant payable under the Incentive <br />Grant Agreement for the first calendar quarter of 2006 sometime during the second calendar <br />quarter of 2006. <br /> <br /> 4. Other than the Municipality's obligation with respect to the Grants and the Other <br />Grants, no party to the Incentive Grant Agreement has any outstanding financial obligations <br />thereunder and Borrower has no outstanding financial obligations thereunder for the term of the <br />Incentive Grant Agreement. <br /> <br /> 5. Pursuant to Section 7(j) of the Incentive Grant Agreement, Municipality hereby <br />grants its consent to Borrower's collateral assignment of Borrower's rights, title, and interest in, <br />to, and ,under the Incentive Grant Agreement (and the benefits conferred thereby) to Lender in <br />connection with the Loan and Municipality further consents and agrees that in the event Lender <br />(or its designee or nominee) takes title to the Property as a result of Lender's exercise of its <br />remedies under the Loan Agreement and/or the Security Instrument (including without <br />limitation, by way of the power of sale rights granted Lender under the Security Instrument, <br />foreclosure, deed in lieu of foreclosure or otherwise), such party shall be entitled to all of the <br />rights and benefits of Borrower (but not of the Other Parties) under the Incentive Grant <br />Agreement, including, without limitation, the right to receive the Grants (but not the Other <br />Grants). <br /> <br /> 6. Borrower hereby instructs Municipality (and Municipality hereby agrees) to pay <br />each of the Grants payable to Borrower on and after the date hereof to the following account at <br />the following address (or such other account or address as may be designated by Lender in <br />writing to Municipality in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Loan Agreement): <br /> <br />Account Number: TO BE SUPPLIED BY BORROWER <br /> <br />Account Name: <br /> <br />Concord Mills Mall Limited Partnership for the sole and exclusive benefit <br />of JPMorgan Chase Bank and Commerzbank AG, New York Branch, <br />together with their respective successors and assigns, as secured parties <br /> <br />Account Address: United States Post Office Box 402242, Atlanta, Georgia 30384-2242 <br /> <br /> Borrower and Municipality hereby acknowledge and agree that these instructions are <br />irrevocable without Lender's prior written consent but shall be deemed automatically rescinded <br />upon full payment of the Loan. <br /> <br />2xo2497.03 <br /> I141: CH <br /> <br /> <br />