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, DRAFT <br /> U~OH MOTXON of C~airman Fennel, seconded, by Commissioner Privette and <br />unanimously carried, the Board tabled consideration of :he appointment of <br />citizen groups in the Bethel and Odell Comnunities until January 2002. <br /> <br /> Mr. C14fton presented an update on current activities associated w/th <br />the development of ~ha County Ex~o project. He reported that the <br />archi=ects/p3a~-ers are working on ~he design of :he arena complex and Fair <br />related 'activities. The project should ha completed in time for the <br />Fair in September 2002. Mr. Clifton advised :hat he had designated MS. <br />Debbia Boat as staff adm/nistra, tor for 'Fair' related activities in addition <br />to bar duties as County Extension D/rector. MS. Boat will work closely with <br />Fair officials during 2001 in prepare:~on for the County assum/ng o~eration <br />of the Fair ~n 2002. <br /> <br /> The Board agreed t~ meet with the architect/planners at 6=30 p.m. on <br />February 15, 2001 to review the Master Plan for the Expo project. <br /> <br /> At the request of C~airman Fennel, there will be a County Expo project <br />status repot: ~ncluded on the Agenda for each month's Board meeting. <br /> <br />Bxtens~on o£ the Memorandum o£ Undsrstandin~ w~th John ~. Hs--~ns Hotels <br /> <br /> Mr. _ Clifton reported the County entered into a Memorandum of <br />Understanding (MOU) on November 9, 2000, with John Q. Hammons Corporation for <br />the development of a privately financed hotel and a publicly financed <br />convent/on meeting facility on land owned by the City of Concord. The MOU <br />provided for a period of 90 days for the parties to complete ten separate <br />agreements. Some agreements have bee~ completed~ however, John Q. <br />has requested a 30-day extension ending on March ?. <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Chairman Fennel, seconded by Commissioner Suggs and <br />unanimously carried, t-he Board approved a 30-day extension of the Memorandum <br />of Understanding, to March 7, 2001, provided Chat all pertinent agreements <br />are agproved and signed by Mr. John Q. Hammons by that time. <br /> <br /> Chairman Peens1 asked that ~tem 3 relative to the purchase of bleachers <br />be removed from the Consent A~enda for discussion. <br /> <br />Road Petition - Add~tian o£ a Port,on of Ponderosa Lane to the Seaondaz~ Road <br /> <br />~aintenance S~ston <br /> <br /> U~ON ~OTZ0N of Vice Chairman Carruth, seconded by Commissioner Suggs <br />and unanimously carried, the Hoard 'approved the addition of a portion (0.3~ <br />mile) of Ponderosa Lane :o the State Secondary road system for maintenance. <br /> <br />Award of Bid (~1~2~7S0) for Construction of the Rock~ ~ivar Hlanentar~ School <br />7ield Nouse to DeConti ConstzuUtion <br /> <br /> The following bids were received on January 3, 2001 for the <br />construction of a Field House for Rocky River Elementary School. The <br />Invitation to Bid was published in TH~ INDEPENDENT TRIBUNE on December 11, <br /> <br />2000° <br /> <br />Company Bid Bid Bond/Deposit <br />Streamline, LLC $ 173,000.00 Yes <br />Liles Construction $ 209,900.00 Yes <br />T. K. Browns Construction $. 181,507.00 Yes <br />DeConti Construction $ 152,750.00 Yes <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Vice Chairman Carrut~, seconded by CommisBioner Suggs <br />and unanimously carried, the Hoard awarded the bid for the construction of <br />the Rocky River Elementary School Field House to the lowest responsible <br />b~dder, DeConti Construction, in the amount of $1S2,?S0.00. <br /> <br />through the ~PigcJ~backa Zatan:ion, Usin~ Proposal Awarded to Baker & Taylor, <br />Zne. in Januar~ 2000 b~ Davidson County <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of V~ce Chairman Carrutb, seconded by Commissioner Suggs <br />and unanimously carried, the Board authorized the purchase of 2he Opening Day <br /> <br /> <br />