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NURSING HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE <br />ADULT CARE HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE <br /> APPOINTMENTS AND <br /> <br />VOLUNTEER JOB DESCRIFFION <br /> <br /> The Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee (NHCAC) and the Adult Care Home Community Advisory <br />- Committee (ACHCAC) serve the residents of long tel,, care facilities within the county. The committees have <br /> legislative authority to monitor the Residents' Bill of Rights, promote community involvement in the homes, <br /> provide public education on long term care issues, assist residents in grievance resolution and promote elder <br />-- abuse awareness. (G.S. 131 D-31, G.$. 131 E-128) <br /> <br /> NHCAC members are required to visit all nursing homes once a quarter as a committee and are to visR <br />- individually as often as possible. ACHCAC members are to visit Adult Care Homes quarterly, Family Care <br /> Home and Group Homes for Developmentally Disabled Adults annually as a committee with individual visits <br /> being carded out as ot~en as poss~le. Business meetings are held on a quarterly basis. Training and in - facility <br /> orientation will be provided by the North Carolina Division of Aging through the Regional Ombudsman <br /> Program. C. ommit~ee activities will involve at least eight hours a month. <br /> <br />The initial training consist of reading materials, attending a training session conducted by the Regional <br />Ombudsman Program and an in-facility orientation visit to each type of facility the committee member serves. _If <br />a member does not complete the training and in-facility orientation within three months from the date of <br />appointment~ the County Commissioners will be asked to replace, the Committee Member. <br /> <br />Members of these committees must reside within the county that the committee serves. They should attend <br />training sessions and be able to effectively communicate with the residents and facility staff. All committee <br />members are appointed by the County Commissioners. One-third are to be nominated by facility administrators. <br />All appointees shall serve an initial one year term and then may be re-appointed to a subsequent term of two or <br />three years for ACHCAC and three years for NHCAC. <br /> <br />The legislation requires that "no person or immediate family member of a person With a financial interest <br />in a home served by the committee, or employee or governing board member of a home served by the <br />committee, or immediate family member of a resident in a home served by the committee may be a <br />member of that committee". Immediate family is defined as mother, father, sister, brother, child, <br />grandmother and grandfather as well as in-laws. <br /> <br />Volunteers serving on these committees are the link between the facilities and the community. Their work will <br />ultimately result in improving the quality of life for home residents. They have the opportunity to meet a wide <br />variely of people as they carry out committee responsibilities. Additional information on committee ac'tM'ties can <br />be obtained from the Regional Long Term Care Ombudsman Program at the Centralina Area Agency on Aging, <br />704-372-2416 or 1-g00-508-5777. <br /> <br />Revised July, 1998 <br /> <br /> <br />