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COUNTY OF CABARRUS <br />Department of Social Services <br />Contract for Purchase of Services <br /> <br />THIS IS A PURCHASE OF SERVICE Contract made and entered into this fn-st day of <br />fuly 2000, by the Cabarrus County Social Services, hereinafter referred to as the <br />Department, and the Employment Security Commission of North Carolina, hereinai~er <br />referred to as the Provider. <br /> <br />WITNESSETH: <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the Department desires to purchase the services of the Employment Security <br />Commission, for the purposes of achieviug the goals hnd objectives of our Work <br />Program am outlined in the State Plan f6f Temporary Assistance to Needy Families <br />(TANF) and in accordance with Federal and State regulations, the Providbr and the <br />Depa~h,ent agree upon the following terms: <br /> <br />The Purchase of Service agreement shall begin on July 1~ 2000 and shall exist <br />and continue until Iune 30, 2001 unless term~uated upon a 30 day written <br />notice by either party. Termination may occur sooner thau 30 days if the <br />County should lose federal funds of if either party fails to comply with the <br />terms of this agreement. <br /> <br />The Provider shall undertake the activities ou~iined in th~ attached Contract <br />Narrative, labeled as Attachment A. <br /> <br />The Provider agrees to comply with ali, pertinent local ordinances, stkte laws, <br />and federal regulations in the delivery of services under the contract. These <br />include prohibitions against discrimination. <br /> <br />The Depmtment agrees to pay the Provider up to $78,237.00 based on the <br />experience level of the employees, for pefformlug activities outlined in <br />Attachment A. The Provide~ will provide 40 hours of service per week. <br />Hours of service will be from 8:00 am- 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. <br /> <br />The Department will provide an office space, basic office equipment, <br />necessary computer access, and .clerical support. <br /> <br />The Provider will report to the Employment Services Supervisor, Fran <br />O' Connor. <br /> <br />7. The DeparUnent and the Provider agree to hold each other harmless from <br /> damages arising from their own acts or omissions. <br /> <br /> <br />