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V~La~d b~ ......... C,o~ ~m ~ ......... d&F ~f ................................ .19 ....... <br /> <br />EXHIBIT B <br /> <br /> NORTH CAROT.T~A OENERAL YF~TIz D:EED <br /> <br />mat ~h .......... d~ o~ ....... -N--~Y....e~.-b.,e.~- ................ 19 ~...~..~ b~ ~d b~we~ <br /> <br />SOUTHEASTERN PACKAGING CORPORATION M~CHTGAN PACKAGING CO0~AN~, <br />a N.o=th Carolina corporation a DeXaware Corporation .. '',. <br /> <br /> ': ' :if"" <br /> <br />'~Mfd~aflOU p~d <br /> <br />and mo~ <br /> <br /> LYING and being in No. I ~cwnship, Caharru$ County, North Carolina, <br /> north of Mu~erry ~a~ [Sa 1159~ and ~in9 a ~ of ~e Jo~o J. <br /> <br /> pa==i~larly aescr~ed as f~11~l~ <br /> <br /> ~G a= a ~ ~1 located in or ~e~ ~e c~t~ line of' <br /> <br />910.97 feet from the ~nt~se~on of ~e ~at~ line of ~ ;oa~ w~ <br />~e c~ter cf l~o of P~rr Mill Roa~ (S~te Roa~ No. 1158)7 <br />~oe fr~ 8a~d begJ~n~n~ point ~. 21-16-30 E. 921.04 feet ~ ~ iron <br />stye; ~nce S. 68-43-30 E. 732.99 fe~ to ~ ~on s~e: ~ce S,"Z3-00- <br /> <br />px nell in or ne~ ~e oen~r l~no of Hulbe~y n~a; ~ence ~ ~e center <br />l~ne of Mu~R~d N. 80-41-30 W. 95~.11 rue2 to ~e point of ~INNIN~. <br /> <br />Oc~o~r 17,~ ~s ~aek contains all ~ha~ 15 a~e ~act eonveye~ ~o <br />~e ~antor h~n by Jo~o J. ~ssanen ~d wife, Gw~ol~e E. ~ssanen <br />~ed recorde~ in ~ed B~k 683, ~ge 98, pXu8 ~he 1.761 a~e ~a~ convey~ <br /> <br /> <br />