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Critics of existing Area Programs feel they are not accountable enough to either the counties or <br />the state. That assumption is only partially tree but, in any instance, can be easily remedied <br />through building into the existing Area Program govenmnce structure (&/or contracts) <br />accountability/performance/outcome mechanisms that woutd achieve the perceived accountability <br />ends and avoid the divisive political battle that will inevitably ensue ff the state attempts to shift <br />governance to counties. Counties are all over the map on this issue but, with the exception of <br />single county Area Programs, most are adamantly opposed to county governance and their voices <br />will be heard once and ffthe Oversight Committee comes forth with a county-based only option.. <br />A better goal for reforming the system is to support Area Programs to continue to evolve into <br />regional behavioral healthcare systems management entities. North Carolina Area Programs, like <br />almost all local IVlH/DD/SA authorities across the country, started out 25 - 40 years ago as local <br />out patient mental health programs (CMI-ICs/providers). Today they are sort of stuck between the <br />world they were bom in and the cummt world of complex systems. The opportunity exists to use <br />reform as a means for structuring Area Programs to manage targeted populations against defined <br />benefits, comprehensive networks of care, and limited resources. Supporting Area Programs in <br />becoming sophisticated regional managers of comprehensive systems of community care is a <br />worthy and doable goal. Changing governance to a county -based system in order to control <br />perceived deviancy, is rearranging the deck chairs and calling it reform. <br /> <br />Thanks for the opporttmity to offer some of my perspectives. I am available at anytime ffyou'd like to talk. <br />Again, all my best wishes. <br /> <br />Dalliel R. Collghlin> CSW <br />Area Director <br />Piedmont Behavioral Healthcare <br />704-721-7OO0 <br /> <br /> <br />