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39 <br /> <br />an annual reimbursement of $2.6 million. However, Mr. Clifton pointed out <br />there is no ~Uarantee as to when or if these funds will he available. <br />Further, he e~c~resaed concern about the continuing increase in County costs <br />for the Medicaid program. Other areas of concern include such programs as <br />Social Services, Cooperative Extension, Public Health, Aging, Court Support <br />and Mental Health ~hat are designated by the State for local funding support. <br />Mr. Clifton cautioned t~t the County might ~ be asked to increase local <br />funding in order to continue ~he programs iE State funding is reduced or <br />eli~inated. To address Che ~unding short~alls, he stated it might be <br />necessary ~or =he County to defer some capital outlay projects until the <br />State's budget situation is resolved. <br /> <br />,"sbsrrus County P]~,-~,4.n9~ ~ ~onin~ C~.s~on (~sh~s <br /> <br />P]~tn~ ~d Zoning Cohesion as ~h~ To~hi~ 3/4 r~presen~a~iv~. <br /> <br /> ~ ~TION of Co~issioner Prive=~e, eeco~ed by Co~setoner Free~n <br />and ~imously carried, the Board appointed Mr. D~y Benton =o the To~sh~ <br />3/4 position on 2he Pla~ing ~d Zontn~ Co,lesion for a ~e~ of ~ee years <br />ending Janua~ 31, 2004. <br /> <br />T~r~sm Au~ho=~ Board of Di=e~ors (8ea~ No. 4) <br /> <br /> ~ON MOTION of C~i~ Fe~l, seconded by C~iss~on~r Pr~v~=~e and <br />~mously carried, =he Board reappointed Co~y Manager Fra~ Clifton <br />Sea~ No. 4 on ~e Tourism Authority Boar~ of D~rec~ors ~or a <br />y~ars ending Dece~r 31, 2003. <br /> <br /> ~ MOTION o~ Chai~ F~el, seconded by Co~ission~r Priv~t=~ ~d <br />~ni~ously car=ied, ~he Board reappo~n~e~ Mr. Lee Efird as the ~a~olis <br />School ~oard representative on ~e Parks and Recreation C~ssion for a <br /> <br /> ~ON ~TI~ of ~ai~ F.~el, s~conded by Co~$ss~oner Suggs ~d <br />~imously carried, the Board appoin~e~ Mr. George ~lp =o =he To.ship 12 <br />position on =he Parks ~d R~creation Co~ssion ~or a ~e~ of ~ee y~ars <br />ending Janua~ 31, 2004. Mr. ~lp will f~ll =he ~osition previously hel~ by <br />~s. Margaret W. Hag.rOy who had s~d seven consecutive years. <br /> <br /> ~ON ~T=ON of ~i~n Fete1, seconded ~ Co~issioner Free~ a~ <br />~ni~usly carried, ~ Board reappoin~d ~s. ~drea Palo as ~e To.ship <br />1/2/3 m~er on th~ Parks and Recreation Cohesion for a ~hr.e-y~ar <br /> <br />Wa=e=she4 ~rov~en= Co. asSort <br /> <br /> ~ON ~ION Of Com~ss~oner Free~, seconded by Co~ss$oner <br />~d ~a~mously carried, =he Board r~appo$n=e~ Mr. Ross Mc~n Morr~son III <br />~o =he Watershed I~r~em~= Co.lesion for a second six-year =a~ ~nding <br />F~b~a~ 15, 2007. <br /> <br /> ~ ~TI~ of Co~ssioner Privet=e, seconded ~ ~ai~an F~el <br />~i~usly carried, th~ Board appointed Mr. R~id to ~a ~sing Home <br />Co~i~y ~viso~ Co~i=~ee ~or ~ initial ~em of one year ending Feb~a~ <br />28, 2002. <br /> <br />Wa~er ~d ~ewe~ Au~hori~ o~ C~a~B C~n~ <br /> <br /> ~e Board received the res~at~ of Representative Jef~ <br />the Wa=er ~d S~wer Authority Board of Directors. ~ai~n Fete1 vol~t~erad <br />=o 8e~e on =he Authori~y Boards <br /> <br /> ~ ~TION of C~issioner Prevents, s~conded by Co~issioner Freem~ <br />~d ~imously carried, ~he Board appointed ~ai~ Fe~el ~o ~he Wa=er and <br />Se~r Authority Board of Directors ~o co, Ieee ~ ~tre~ <br />2003. <br /> <br /> <br />