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Why should you care <br />* about civic education? <br /> <br />4'Organizations need new faces, new <br /> viewpoints, and a fresh supply of energy <br />and enthusiasm to remain viable but... <br />,t'Fewer and fewer young people are learning <br /> the tradition of civic involvement. <br /> <br />Why should you care about civic education? <br /> <br />* We need to be training young people to step up as leaders and active <br />participants in government and community organizations. <br /> <br />In my organization, and probably in yours, the big projects draw on the talents <br />of the old hands who know all the ropes, the leaders who have gradually <br />worked their way up to positions of authority, and young people who are fresh <br />out of school and ready to take on the world. You and I will not be around <br />forever, and organizations of all kinds need new faces, new viewpoints, and a <br />fresh supply of energy and enthusiasm to remain viable from year to year. <br /> <br />* It seems reasonable to expect that flow of new blood into your organization <br />and mine to continue as it has in the past. But I bring some discouraging news <br />with me today: fewer and fewer young adults are willing to work as part of an <br />organized group for the good of the community. <br /> <br />The problem is that most young people haven't been shown, and so they <br />haven't learned, that tradition of civic involvement. <br /> <br /> <br />