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less than $50,000.00. Finally, Mr. Lentz stated the HOME Program and <br /> Community Development Rousing Rehabilitation Program help to maintain and <br /> keep existing houses in,he affordable housing market. <br /> <br /> Mr. Marshal! also addressed the housing affordability issue. He stated <br />mobile homes are a main source of affordable housing in the County and that <br />the UDO would not affect the placement of mobile homes on individual parcels <br />in the county. Further, Mr. Marshall advised there is a l~rge stock of <br />affordable housing in ~he county, with new units valued at less than <br />$75,000.00 continuing to be built and existing units rehabilitated. He stated <br />the UDO would not increase the cost of a house in the rural area of Cabarrus <br />County, but requirements such as sidewalks and road standards would increase <br />the cost of a home in the more dense areas. Finally, he stated that housing <br />affordabilit¥ is a larger issue that needs to be addressed in greater detail. <br /> <br /> Staff responded to a number of queshions regarding the proposed UDO. <br />Specific issues discussed by the Board and staff included ~he following: (1) <br />Rental units and apartments as a source of affordable housing; (2) Importance <br />of home ownership and the need to meke sure that home ownership does not go <br />out of reach for the ~normal' person in Cabarrus County~ (3) Purpose of the <br />UDO, including the placement of all land development ordinances under a <br />single cover and the unification of zoning and other land use ordinances <br />between Jurisdictions; (4) Conveyance of proper~y to family ~embers and/or <br />other persons~ (S) Need to have a balance between the lower price homes to <br />provide affordable housing and encouragement of high end housing <br />opportunities .to help pay for schools; (6) other costs associated with homes <br />such as cost of land and ut[littes~ (7) Review process for future amendments <br />to the UDO~ and (S} Differing standards between the cities and the County.. <br /> <br /> Chairman Fennel opened the meeting for c~mments and questions by those <br />persons tn attendance. <br /> <br /> Mr. Ken Payee, homebuilder, stated in his opinion =he proposed <br />would increase the cos= cf houses being built in the county. <br /> <br /> Mr. James Scarborough, attorney, addressed the following concerns: (1) <br />connectivity issue and associated costs~ (2) elimination of oul de saos~ (3) <br />increased costs associated with required sidewalks, open space, etc.~ and (4) <br />preliminary plat requirements by the City of Concord. <br /> <br /> Mr. ~ary Troutman of Trout~an Builders commented on increased costs <br />that would result from UDO regulations and stated local builders could not <br />afford those costs. He stated tn his opinion the County should ha~e revised <br />existing requlations rather than drafting the new ordinance. <br /> <br /> Mt. Mike Qulokel, President of the Cabarr~e County Building Industry <br />Association, presented a letter for the record stating the building industry <br />does no~ support the UDO. He also presented a Position Paper from the Real <br />Estate and Building Industry Coalition {REBIC) outlining opposition to the <br />UDO and che adequate public facilities requirements. ~cording to Mr. <br />Quickel, the UDO wi1! increase the cost Of housing which will be passed along <br />to she consumer, thus making it difficult for local res/dents to find <br />affordable housing tn Cabarrus County. The letter as submitted by Mr. <br />Quickel was as follows= <br /> <br />April 10, 2S01 <br /> <br />Cabarrns County Board of Commissioners <br />P.O. Box 707 <br />Concord, NC 28026-0707 <br /> <br />Re~ Unified Development Ordin~nce <br /> <br />~entlemen: <br /> The Cabarrus County Building Industry Association urges you to vote <br />against adoption of t_he Unified Development Ordinance. Instead of achieving <br />=he original purpose of simply makin~ the zoning ordinances consistent <br />throughout the County, the proposed UD~ represents a comprehensive revision <br />of our entire se= of land use ordinances. Our current ordinances are being <br />replaced by ordinances based on a planning and zoning philosophy which should <br />be carefu!lY examined. <br /> <br /> The proposed U~O is based on =he doc=rises of a group of urban plauners <br />known as "new urbanists". Attached is a copy of an article by Stephen Hay~ard <br />entitled, 'Legends of the Sprawl- in which Mr. Hay~ard e~mines the <br />philosophy behind "new urbanism". According to Mr. Hayward, this liberal <br /> <br /> <br />