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Sect. Exclude parks from masonry foundation wall requirements <br /> <br /> Sect. Exclude hitches from list of items to be removed. Add language to indicate <br /> that hitches should be screened if dwelling unit is not in located within a <br /> )ark. <br /> <br /> Sect. Remove last sentence. This is overkill. <br /> <br /> Sect. Eliminate this provision, already require national and local building code. <br /> <br />Sect. Replace livestock '~encing" with livestock "buildings". Steering Committee <br /> recommends change <br /> as indicated. <br /> <br />Sect. Recommend eliminating the conflicting standards for horees and other Steering Committee <br /> livestock to create one standard: one "animal unit" per 6000 sq ft of land. recommends change <br /> as indicated. <br /> <br />Sect. Recommend this section be rewriLten as follows: "A barrier shall be provided Steering Committee <br /> around the perimeter of a mine or quarry. The barrier shall consist of either recommends change <br /> an earthen berm, a solid fence, landscaping, existing topographical features as indicated. <br /> or any combination of the above. Existing vegetation may also be <br /> considered in accordance with Section of this Ordinance. The barrier <br /> shall be constructed so as to block the view of the extraction operations <br /> from any point on an adjacent property line or public right-of-way, except at <br /> points of ingress and egress. For the purposes of this section, the view shall <br /> be defined as a perpendicular linear view from the edge of the property line <br /> Itoward the interior of the mine site. The Board of Adjustments, <br /> or <br /> quarry <br /> through the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit, shall have the authority to <br /> grant exceptions where a barrier as required by this section is not practical <br /> or feasible. Landscaping shall be in accordance with Article 7." Local <br /> quarrying company representatives worked with staffs to recommend the <br /> above language as a more reasonable approach to a barrier. <br /> <br />Sect. <br /> <br />Amend language to show Conditional Use Permits for WTS (cellular) towers <br />as approved by Board of Adjustment. <br /> <br />Steering Committee <br />recommends change <br />as indicated. <br /> <br />Last Update: 3114100 <br />O:/Planning/Marshall's FolderAJDO Page 4 of 10 <br /> <br /> <br />