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Sect. 7.2.t <br /> <br />Recommend removing requirement for landscaping plan to be sealed by a <br />registered landscape archtiect andlor certified by a certified landscaping <br />contractor <br /> <br />Steering Committee <br />recommends change <br />as indicated. <br /> <br />Sect. 7.7 Although repetitive, County staff feels this should remain as it is written. Th; Steering Committee <br /> Following is City of Concord cmmentary included fro information, recommends change <br /> Recommend removing requirement for "Street trees" for single family as indicated. <br /> subdivisions. Better approach is to spell out these requirements in <br /> Appendix C with the street standards. Also, Need to be sure to omit street <br /> trees for new non-residential streets if we retain the street tree buffer <br /> <br />Article,8 <br />Sect. Need to change reference 8.1.2 to Article 8 Steering Committee <br /> recommends change <br /> as indicated. <br />]'able 8.t-4 (1) Column D (90 degree parking) - increase min. width from 20' to 24' and (2} Steering Committee <br /> Columns B and E need to be switched recommends change <br /> as indicated. <br />Table 8.1-6 Amend to eliminate the required minimum bicycle spaces. Staff Steering Committee <br /> recommends that this requirement be removed until other pedestrian/bicycle recommends change <br /> facilities/plans are developed within the City. as indicated. <br /> <br />Sect. change "Vol. 1C, Chap. 1t (accessibility) of the Uniform Statewide Building Steering Committee <br /> Code" to "Chapter 4 of the N.C. Accessibility Code". Also, update Figure 8.1- recommends change <br /> 1 to match the N.C. code. as indicated. <br /> <br />sect. 11.2 <br /> <br />Add a new subsection to clarify that signage for multi-family dwellings (and ISteering Committee <br />single-family attached dwellings) are subject to the sign regulations of Table Irecommends change <br />12.1-4, regardless of what zoning district the development is located within, las indicated. <br /> <br />Remove reference to Floor Area Ratio (FAR), since it was removed from Isteering Committee <br /> <br />Sect. 11~.8.1 <br /> <br />Table 4.7-1. <br /> <br />recommends change <br />as indicated. <br /> <br />Last Update: 3/14/00 <br />O:/Planning/Marshall's Folder/UDO Page 6 of 10 <br /> <br /> <br />