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47 <br /> <br /> UPON MOTZON of Commissioner Privette, seconded by Commissioner Suggs <br />and una~imoualy carried, the Board approved the minutes of Februar~ 15, 19 <br />and 26, 2001 ~d March 12, 2001 as written. <br /> <br /> Mr. Clifton asked that the following items be added to the Agenda: (1) <br />Consent ~enda - Resolution Approving the Selection of Bond Counsel for <br />Proposed Exempt Facility ~evenue Bonds for Corning, In¢.~ and (2) <br /> <br />a resolution on February 19, 2001 approving the bond counsel for Corntng~ <br /> <br />unanimously carried, the Board approved the A~enda with the additions listed <br />by Mr. Clifton. <br /> <br /> RECOG~ITIONB ~ ~EB~NTATZONB <br /> <br /> Reco~nition of Louis Pertain on his Retirement from the Department of A~ing - <br /> ~ke~hy, A~ng Director <br /> <br /> Ms. Susan Donaldson of the Department of A~ing reco~ized Mr. Louis <br /> Pertain who recited as WeaCher~za~on Pro,ram Coordinator on Feb~ 25, <br /> 2001. ~. ParCain be~ work wich Che Depar~menC of Aging on Septe~r 1, <br /> 1985. <br /> <br /> On behalf of ~he Board, Co~i~ioner Prive~e presented a pla~e to ~r. <br /> Pertain in apprecia~ion for his 18 years of semite to C~ar~s Cowry and <br /> i~s citizens. <br /> <br /> Board me,ers congratulated Mr. Pertain on his retirement and e~ressed <br />appreciation =o him for his se~[ce =o C~ar~s Co~ty. <br /> <br />P=ocl~tion in Ra~o~i~on of ~he 250~ ~iversa~ o~ Roc~ River <br />Presbyterian Church - ~rie Mor=tson, ~ai~ 250~ ~iversa~ <br /> <br /> Ms. ~arie Morrison, Chat~n of the 250u ~iversa~ Co~t=tee of Rocky <br />River Presb~ert~ ~vrch, presented a brief ore,Jew of ~he htsto~ o~ the <br />church. The church will celebrate its 250ca a~iversa~ on May 3-6, 2001. <br /> <br /> Chat~an Fe~el read ~he following Proclamation and presented ~he <br />signed Procla~=ion =o Ms. Morrtson. <br /> <br /> ~US ~ B0~ OF CO~ISSIO~S <br /> PROC~TION <br /> <br /> Rocky River Presbyterian ~urch was or9~zed in 1781 and ts <br /> oldest Presbyterian Church in C~ar~s Co~y; and <br /> the C~a~a Black Boys were ~ong the many me~ers of Roc~ RAver <br /> Presby~erian Church who were leaders In striving for ~erlcan <br /> independence; ~d <br /> Roc~ River Presb~eri~ ~urch con~inues to se~e this comity <br /> with ~ active congregation involved tn a variety of se~ice <br /> projects within Cabar~s Co~=y and beyond; and <br />~, 2001 ~rka =he 250~ a~iversa~ of =he organization of Rocky River <br /> Presb~eri~ ~urch~ and <br />May 3 - 6, 2001, will be =he prtma~ celebration of ~his 250 <br />~iversa~. <br />NOW, ~RE~, BE IT ~SOL~ ~ha~ ~he C~ar~s Cowry ~ard <br />Co~ssioners does hereby proclaim May 3 - 6, 2001, as <br /> Roc~ River Presbyteri~ Church Days <br />~n C~ar~s <br /> This ~he 26~ day of March, 2001. <br /> <br /> /s/ ~e h. <br /> ~e L. Fe~el, Chai~an <br /> C~ar~s Co~ty Board of <br /> Co~ssioners <br /> <br /> <br />