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North Carolina Division of'Aging <br />8arvina Coat Oomputeflon Worksheet c:tb,dg.n?a2,~ DoA-732A <br />Pmv~ler. Cabarrus County DSS. <br />County: Cabarrus <br />Budgel Period: 07JOl/0'J through 06/30/02 <br />ReVision __.yes, X no, revision data ~ <br />Grand · Aide <br />]. projected Raven. use To~l Loyal II <br /> A. Fad/Stale Funding From the DiVisiOn of Aging 109,330 IIIIIIIIIIIII11: ........ '~0{)1330 ............. ' <br /> R?.q.ulred Minimum Match- Cash IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIllllllllll II111111#11111 Ifllllllllllllli .. IIII/l~llfi(lll I/flfl.NIIIll(j I_/_l{lllll_~llfll IIIIIIiIIIfllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIt <br /> 1)Cabarrua County . 12,148 IIIIIIIIIIIIII1 12,i46 <br /> :. ' · ' <br /> ~Tota) R~lulred Minimum Match -.Casil 1'2,148/111111~1~1/11 _12 t4.8_ 0.0D <br /> R~lr~ Mtnlmum Match - In-ld~. d .. ~ i/i/iii/iii//iii iii/fi/I/Il/iii iii. i/ii/I/Ill// IIIII///11///I/ . IIIII/llllll/fl /fill/I/Ill/Iii IIIIIIII/"~/111 iI/11~111111111 ' IIIIII/11111/1~ <br /> 2} ; 0 IIIllllllllllll 0 <br /> 3) 0 IIIUIIIIIItlll 0 <br /> Total R~uked'Minlmum Match - In-Khd .... O :llJllll#llllll "d 0.00 ~] 0 0 - O 0 <br /> a. %t~'Req~irad Minimum l~atch (~ash + In-kin.~) ..... t2,148 rllllllllllllll t2,14B "0.0O 0 0 0 0 · 0 <br /> C. Subtotal, Fed/~ate/Raqulred Mai~h Revenues ~2t~?a ?lit//#i/i/Iii t_~i,4~'! .0.00 . ~ .... .0 : 0 .. Q 0 <br /> b. Ll$~,'~ah Su~atdylcnm. modtly Volt,finn . e rllllllllllllll <br /> <br /> ~) .......... ~ ~111111111111, . q ........ <br /> .. £ UIIlllllllllll £ <br /> 3) 01~11111111111111 ql ..... <br /> <br /> F. 8ul~t___o~al~ ~ooal O~h,, I, Ioq-Ma~h 0 tlllllllllllf~ O' 'O.OO 0 0 ...... Ol ' 0 O <br /> <br /> i '~) O Iii/Itl/Iii/iii 0 " ', · ...... . <br /> 2) ,,. 0 IIIIlllllllllll ....... 0 .... <br /> ~) 0 I/I/Ifil/I/I/// 0 <br /> G. Subtotal~ Other Revenuae~ Non-Match O I/I/I/Ifil/I/// 0 O.OC 0 0 " 0 ii 0 <br /> -Local In-IQnd Resources (Includes Volunteer Resources) //fl/Ifil/I/I// l/Ifil/I/I//lll fill/I/lll/I/ll /I/I//fill/I/I/ ~~il~Ill~fi~Ill IIIIIIllll(lllt IIIIIIIII/,11111 IIIIIIIIIIIII1~· 1/1/I///!//llft <br /> i) 0 II/I/I/I///Ifil <br /> ~) ..... - ............ 0 III//////////// 0 ....... <br /> <br /> H. Subtotal, Local in-kind ReScuro'~s, N'~n-M~ioh · " [ 0 fi/I/I/lll/I/// ._ 0 "0.00 , . 0 a 0 ' ~- ~ 0 <br /> I. Client Program Incom~ . · I ~t~,Illlllllllllfll eS4 <br /> J. To!al Pro.le~ed Revenues (Sum I O,D;i=,F,~",H, ~iI)I '12~r43~ i/Iii/frill/Iii t22,432 O.0O 0 {][ 0 ~! 0 <br /> <br />/Divis~on of Agin~t <br /> S( . :est~ . la(Ion{ <br /> <br />heat <br /> <br /> 1 <br />I I I I I i <br /> <br />I I I <br /> <br /> <br />