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NORTH CAROLINA <br /> <br />Resolution No. 2001- <br /> <br />RESOLUTION REGARDING TAX INCREASE ON ALCOHOL <br />TO SUPPORT THE <br /> DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the State's mental health, developmental disabilities, and substance abuse <br />community-based services and facilities are.grossly under funded with an estimated unmet need <br />of $761.9 million. <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, under the U. S. Supreme Court decision, Olmstead, the State has a legal <br />obligation to provide more community-based services; the failure to do so will subject the State <br />to potential lawsuits under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). <br /> <br /> WI-IEREAS, clients are currently served in outdated, unsafe, and costly State mental <br />health facilities; these services should be more appropriately provided in community-based <br />programs or in modernized facilities. <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, there is no new State money available to use to match for the CAP-MR/DD <br />Medicaid Waiver Program, the single most cost effective source of community supports for <br />individuals with developmental disabilities. <br /> <br /> WI-W. REAS, the State's substance abuse programs are grossly inadequate, resulting in <br />the use of more expensive State institutions or the criminal justice system. <br /> <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Cabarms County Board of <br />Commissioners that: <br /> <br />The Board of Commissioners expresses its full support for efforts to respond to the public <br />concern about cutting services by raising revenue to combat the deficit of services for <br />persons with mental illness, developmental disabilities, and substance abuse problems. <br /> <br />The Board of Commissioners strongly recommends a tax increase on alcohol to begin to <br />pay for the lack of community services for persons with mental illnesses, developmental <br />disabilities, and substance abuse problems. <br /> <br /> <br />