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He may transfer amounts up to $25,000 between depa~ants of the same fund. <br /> <br />He may not transfer any amounts between funds nor ~om any contingency appropriation within any fund <br />without action of the Board of commissioners. <br /> <br />4. Additional authority is granted to the manager to transfer mounts within and between funds for the sole <br /> purpose of fundin§ salary and benefits adjustments consistent with the Cabarrus County Personnel <br /> Management Policy and the Cabanas County Personnel Ordinance. <br /> <br />$. He may enter into and execute change orders or amendments to construction contracts in amounts up to <br /> $25,000 when the appropriate annual budget or capital project ordinance ?ontalus st/fficient appropriated but <br /> unenc~rnbered funds. · · <br /> <br />5. He may award and execute'contracts which ~e not required to be bid or which G.S. 143-131 allows to be let <br /> on informal bids so long as the annual budget or appropriate capital project ordinance contains sufficient. <br /> appropriated but unencumbered funds for such purposes. <br /> <br /> 7. He may execute c~ntraets with.~utside agenc~as to pr~periy d~cument budgeted appr~priati~ns to such <br /> · agencies where G.$. 15 A-24~1Co), 259, 449 and any similar statutes require such contracts. <br /> <br />8. He may reject formal bids when deemed appropriate and'in the best interest of Cabarrus County pUrSuant to <br /> G.S. 143-129(a). <br /> <br />SecfionVI.' <br /> A. <br /> <br />This or~linance and the budget documents shall be the basis for the fmanciai plan for the County of Cabarrus for <br />the 2001-02 Fiscal Year. The County Manager and the Budget Officer shall administer the Budget. The <br />. Finance Director shall establish and maintain all records, which are in concurrence with this Budget and Budget' <br />Ordinance and the appropriate Statutes of the State of North Carolina. . . <br /> <br />Adopte~l this the day of.__, 2001. <br /> <br />Arno L. Fennel, Chairman <br /> <br />Frankie. F. Bonds, Clerk to the Board <br /> <br /> <br />