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,TUN-I~-O! 1G:4B FROM:CPA3, HERLTH IqLLIIqNCE <br /> <br />TO~I 784 9BI3 BBBI~ PRGE:OOB <br /> <br />CABARRUS HEALTH ALLIANCE <br /> <br />Juno 12, 2001 <br /> <br />Ms. Susie Bonds <br />Clerk'to the Cabarms Count~ Board of Csr~missioners <br />P. O. Box. 707. <br />Concord, N.C;. 28026-0707 <br /> <br />D~r M~. Bonds: <br /> <br />O~ behalf of the Cabarms County Public Health Authority Board, I would like to <br />request that Mrs. Carolyn Carpenter he re.appointed to serve an additlo, n 3-year term of <br />office on the~ Cabalrus Health Allianod Board as a De.signee of the.' CabamI. s County <br />Bom'd of Commissione~. , <br /> <br /> Mrs. ~arpmter's' application should ~lr~ady be on Ele in your office. Dianne <br />Berry; Clerk to the ]~oard, will glad to resubr~it a~.' o/]x~r qaplicat~o~ from..Nh~...Carpentcr <br />at your request <br /> <br />Thank you ~or'your assistance in this matter, <br /> <br />Sineefi~ly, <br /> <br />William F. P~lkington, CEO <br />Public ~oalth Director <br /> <br />WFP:db <br /> <br /> Pu~//< Health Auttzo. ril,].qf C~b~rrus County . <br />1307 SOuth Cannon ~0ul~ard · .ga. nnapotis, NortI~ Carolina 280&~, 704:920-1000 · lax: .70.4-g,~,~-~5 <br /> www. CaBarccsHeal fl). erg <br /> <br /> <br />