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BUDGET WORKSHEET <br />Please complete Iht followi~ug budget worksheet. <br /> <br />Project <br />Revenue <br /> <br /> Source <br />PMECF Fund <br />*Corporations <br />*Foundations <br />*Federal, State or Local Agencies <br />Individuals <br />Earned Income <br />In-Kind Support <br />United Way <br />Other: F ~= e .~ <br /> <br /> Total Project <br /> <br />__36,730 <br /> <br />Percentage of Total <br /> 61% <br /> <br /> 2t38© 5% <br /> <br />5,700 9% <br />15,3OO 25% <br /> <br />TOTAL REVENUE <br /> <br />Project <br />Expense <br /> <br />Salaries <br />Benefits & Payroll Taxes <br />Internships <br />Consultants <br />Conferences/Meetings <br />Printing/Publications <br />Rent & Utilities <br />Telephone <br />Supplies <br />Postage <br />Equipment Purchase <br />Equipment Maintenance <br />Travel <br />Food <br />Other: St,,Oept arviuity <br /> BUS Transportation <br /> <br />TotalProiect PMECFGrant <br />33,128 23,158 <br />2,571 1,771 <br /> <br /> 5,334 4t334 <br /> 300 lO0 <br /> 1,060 4tiff <br />, 4,000 <br /> 730 530 <br /> <br />5,30fl l,O00 <br />914 914 <br />300 <br /> <br />?Nfl <br />303 303 <br />2,675 2,000 <br /> <br />lt610 lt310 <br /> <br />TOTAL EXPENSE <br />Deficit/SurPlus <br /> <br />60,110 36,730 <br /> <br />*List funding sources that have been identified above to help supporl this effort, amounts committed or pending, and the date when <br />you expect to know about these requests. <br /> <br /> Source $ Comnfitted $ Pending Expected Decision Date <br />SOS GRANT $65,000 J~ly 1, 2/lOl <br /> <br />PHILIP MORRIS EMPLOYEE COMMUNITY FUND 2001 GRANT APPLICATION <br /> <br />PAGE 3 OF 5 <br /> <br /> <br />