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~u8-05-01 <br /> <br />14:G8 From-PB$&J <br /> <br />July 20, 2001 <br /> <br />704EZEZG$6 <br /> <br />Subjecl: Service AvailabiLity Letter Reques~ <br />(Ref. Pi'N(s)# ~,671-69-6256) <br /> <br />Dear Mr. Turnout: <br /> <br />CiTy of Concord potable water is currently not avaihble to The subject property. The <br />nearest av~.ilable CiF of Concord potable wa~er infrasm~ture is a 12-inch disu-ibmion <br />m~in along Oflell School Road. However, accepted bid~ for a 12-inch water main t.h~[ <br />would begin at fi~e imerseaion ofla, m~is Ro~i and Ode~l School Road ~d continue south <br />approximately 4,300 linear feet. This wa=r m~in will provide water service To a new <br />school and sulxlivision on Harris t~ad. You may comaet Cabarrus Cottony Schools ( <br />(704) 7~-619l ) or Ivir. Bob Burkea of J and B D~velopment and Laacl Management ( <br />(704) 752-7S00 ) f~r further information. <br /> <br />The closest a~ai!able sanitm-y sewer is the 30-inch UPl~r R~cky River laterecpmr, owned <br />and opera,ed by the W~er arul Sewer Authority of Cabarrus Coun~ (WSACC), wl~ieh <br />pas~es through ~he southeast comer of the parcel. <br /> <br />In aceordan~ with Ciw of Concord Regional Water Resources Water and Sewer policy, <br />is the sole respon_~ibitity of the owner or developer to ex~end waier and sea. er <br />~nfn~,uemre from existing service points anc~ to ~cure any right(si-of-way as may be <br />ncc~sary zo mee~ project needs. Any required upgrades to th~ existing infras~c~ to <br />provide adequate service will also be the restmnsibili'ff of ~ owner or cteveloper. In <br />addition, it is the respom~ility of the owner or developer to conl:a'm any informa~inn of <br />pl~ysical locations and that wmer flows, wmer pressure, line sizes, and capaeiges of the <br />existing (or any proposecl) =e ~tequat¢ to meet the requh, ed uiage in <br />accordance wi~ federal, ua~e and local codes ~d regulations. <br /> <br /> <br />