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Fire Department $I50,000 to equip all Not likely, although EDI may be Fire Chief <br />9 Training six fire stations a possibility, Note: No EDI Randy <br /> Teleconferencing competition this year. Holloway <br /> Equipment <br /> Fire Truck Traffic $600,000 to equip all TEA-21 and Transportation Fire CNef <br />10 Signal Preemption the traffic lights in the Appropriations (may be possible Randy <br /> System city to combine this request with US Holloway <br /> 29 signal synchromzation item <br /> # 8) <br /> Police Digital Law $100,000 to upgrade COPS Technology (TECH) Police Chief <br />11 Enforcement police surveillance program Robert Cansler <br /> Surveillance equipment from analog <br /> Technology to digital and low-light <br /> U p grad e cap ability <br /> Police Mobile $500,000 to equip all COPS TECH program (may be Police Chief <br />12 Communications of the police cars (they possible to combine request Robert Cansler <br /> Equipment have already received with fire department item # 10) <br /> Procurement $200,000 for this <br /> project from the State) <br /> Police Station $3.5-4 million for We are checking with Police Chief <br />13 Expansion 40,000 sq. ft. expansion Congressional staffto see if the Robert Cansler <br /> of the Concord Police EDI program is appropriate. <br /> Department CSJ earmarks are not allocated <br /> for 'brick and mortar" projects <br /> Specialized $500,000 for HUD/Economic Development Fire Chief <br />14 Rescue/ specialized rescue Initiative program (EDI) Randy <br /> Hazardous equipment; $500,000 Holloway <br /> Materials for biological and other <br /> hazardous equipment <br /> and training <br /> <br />Additional Environmental Pro rams <br /> <br /> GIS mapping for $150,000 for GIS- US Geological Survey/Corps of Steve Osborne, <br />15 stormwater/flood- based mapping of the Engineers Community <br /> plain management city stormwater and Development <br /> floodplain systems and Codes <br /> Manager <br /> Greenspace Funding to acquire land HUD/Economic Development Allen Scott, <br />16 Acquisition in and near City of Initiative program (EDI) Director of <br /> Concord to enhance Environmental <br /> open spaces Services <br /> (amount TBD) <br /> Leaking Amount of request Leaking Underground Storage Steve Osborne, <br />17 Underground TBD Tank (LUST) program Community <br /> Storage Tank Development <br /> Remediation and Codes <br /> Manager <br /> Pilot Recycling $50,000 for study on EPA Allen Scott, <br />18 Program ways to promote Director of <br /> business and residential Environmental <br /> recycling programs Services <br /> <br /> <br />