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A. Salaries (Contracted Professional Services) <br />Contract with professional research and communications <br />organization to design project reseamh, facilitate focus groups, <br />facilitate planning of the Campaign for Infant Safety with CCPT <br />and other community organizations, design and carry out media <br />campaign, design and coordinate printing of brochures. <br /> <br />B. Fringe Benefits N/A <br />C. Travel N/A <br /> N/A <br /> <br />D. Training <br /> <br />$20,000 <br /> <br />Supplies <br /> <br />E.. Operating Expenses xxxToooo~fxxxxxxxxx <br /> Rent N/A <br /> Utilities N/A <br /> N/A <br /> <br />Postage <br /> <br />Telephone <br /> <br /> Education / Media Campaign <br /> Printing, Copying <br />Printing of 50,000 full color educational pamphlets <br /> Equipment <br />100 child restraint devices ~ $50 = $5,000 <br />50 portable cribs ~ $100 = $5000 <br /> <br />N/A <br /> <br />N/A <br /> <br />$11,500 <br /> <br />$8,500 <br /> <br />$I0,000 <br /> <br />G. Total $5o,0o0 <br /> <br />In-Kind donation from Cabarms Partnership for Children includes secretarial support, photocopying, postage, and <br />director's time in planning and coordinating campaign with Lawrimore Communication Inc. <br /> <br /> CCPT CHAIRPERSON Date <br /> <br />CCPT grant funds are reimbursable using the DSS 1571 process. All 2000- <br />2001 funds must be utilized by May 18, 2001. <br /> <br /> <br />