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supervisor. The second step is the info~aiation being given to the Court Counselor, and another visit <br />is made by Community Service staff, with the Chief Court Counselor. The third action would be <br />termination bom the Restitution Program upon review with the Chief Court Counselor. Termination <br />is via conference, visit, telephone call or letter. The kinds of behavior that warrant an unsuccessful <br />trrmination is: showing up consistently late for work, or not showing at all, leaving work early, not <br />peffortning assigned duties, showing disrespect for supervisors, violence at the worksite, alcohol or <br />drugs used at the worksite, and breaking any laws while in the Program. If a' child is successfully <br />trmfinated, however, he/she will receive a letter of congratulations bom the Restitution Program <br />Manager. <br /> <br />Overall, the Restitution Program hopes to average a success rate of 85%. It is believed that <br />many juveniles will not become further involved in the court system after their experience <br />with the prola-,tm. Juveniles will view this as a positive experience. Although participation <br />in a program of this type does not guarantee eliminating inappropriate behavior, it will <br />certainly curtail thl.q behavior. Perhaps, between the momem of thinking oftbe unlawful act, <br />and actually acting on the thought, the juvenile will indeed reflect on this work experience, <br />and choose not to proceed with the act. <br /> <br />As an oppommlty to recognize juveniles who successfully complete this program, a <br />component of the program will be youth incentive activities which Will consist of a variety <br />of recreationaL, cultural, and educational activities. Youth will be selected by their court <br />counselors in conjunction with their worksite supervisors, appropriate community service <br />personnel and the program manager. Selection will be based on overa~ progress made while <br />in the program and will consider worksite behavior as well as school and home behavior. <br /> <br />Other services available through the program for 2000-2001 will include parent groups <br />which will assist parents in addressing a variety of adolescent issues. Issues to be addressed <br />will include parenting skills and developmental issues. Services for these groups will be <br />contracted for through the local mental health center. <br /> <br />5 <br /> <br /> <br />