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Component Name I~ome linked <br />(/tttach a page for each program component) <br /> <br />* Client Capacity 30 Anticipated average length of stay 120 (days). <br /> <br />Estimated number of youth to be served during funding period 75. <br />Estimated average cost per youth $2068.00 <br /> <br />* Actual number of youth admitted last fiscal year: 56 <br /> 56 # of admissions Juvenile Court referred, <br /> <br /> # of law enforcement referred, <br />[~Program uses Client Tracking Forr,,s <br /> <br />100 % oftotal admissions. <br /> <br /> % of total admissions. <br /> <br />Program Uses Quarterly & Annual Program <br /> Review <br /> <br />* if the funds being requested will be used for more than one program type please provide <br />this information for each component on a separate sheet. <br /> <br />In the space provided, please list each Measurable Objective in your current program <br />agreement and indicate the degree to which your program has been successful in <br />achieving them. These objectives should include reductions in court referrals, runaway <br />behavior, disruptive behavior in school, improved school attendance and academic <br />achievement. (Use data from program operation through December 31 st of current <br />funding year.) <br />Other measurable objectives are the following: <br /> <br />Developed a service plan for 100% of the children in the !~ogram <br />Fifty six children were served dm-ing FY 98-99. All had a written service plan. <br /> <br />Reduced !:ossible out-of-home placements by 96%. <br />The intervention of the worker helped to prevent fo~ter care or training school placement. Of the <br />youth served between July 1998 - June 1999, 96% were at home at the time of termination from the <br />prograra~ none were in relative placements 4% in group homes. There was zero in training school <br />commitment Without the Home-Based worker's intervention, all these youth could have been <br />placed in foster care or group care directly from Juvenile court. <br /> <br />Reduced involxement in the Juvenile Justice System by 81%_ <br />The JCPC report indi_tm_!_~ that court referrals decnmsed l~y 81% and runaway l~ehaviors decreased <br />by 91%. <br /> <br />Helped increase school ammdan~e program for youth. <br />In 1998-1999 the Home-Based workers were successful in gemng youth back into school and <br />encouraging school ~,_,~_~dance. At the time of termination from the l~ogram. 22.58% of the <br />problems had been eliminated, there was a 67.74% of pm~blems reduced; 6.4% of the problems at <br />school reminded unchanged; and a 3.23% of the problems intensified. <br /> <br />School Status: <br />During involvement Iwith the lxogram there were 90°/0 of the student enrolled and a 6.4% drop out <br />rate and only one student or 3% that was expelled. <br /> <br /> <br />