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$103.~0.00 !0% <br />Office Of lu~cnilc ~ustice Required ~ Ma~ch (l~-~circlc) <br /> <br />$50,675,~ <br />Local Cash <br /> <br /> Speci~ Source <br /> <br />Speci~ Source <br />Spec~ Source <br /> <br />Speci~ Sourc~ <br />Specif~ Source <br /> <br />Other <br />Other <br /> <br /> Other <br /> <br />$154.~35,oo <br /> Total <br /> <br />This document has been reviewed and recommended for funding. <br /> This iS tO Cr~i~ that the Office of Suvenile Justice funds in this Program Agreement will not be used to <br />c~,plica~e or to suppiant other program~ whose primary int~ iS to provide comm,m~y based alternatives <br />for delinquents, undisciplined or youth at risk ofjt.wenile delinquency. <br /> This agreement may be termlnmnd in whole or in part by the Offce of Suvenfle Justice in the ~'ent that <br />state or federal funds wh/ch ha~¢ been allocated to the Offce of ]uven/le Just/ce ar~ elimimted or reduced <br />to such an ext~nt that,/n the sole determination of'the Office, continuation of thc obligations at the leveJs <br />stated herein may not be n~imalned. <br /> <br />Conclusion <br /> We, tile und~.igned agree to comply with all Provisions of thin agreement, including the <br />Indemnifl~fion and Hold Harmless, Grantee Audit R~tJ~m~L, Civil ~i?,htn Compliance, and <br />Termination and acknowledgement found on page 7 of this agreement and with the policy guidelines for <br />the CommllRity ~5ed Alterflatives ~Togralll as codified in the North Carolina Admini~h~tive Procedures <br />10 NCAC 44C and 10 NCAC 44D. <br /> <br />Director, Office Of Juvenile Justice Date <br />Chairman Board of County Commissioners Date <br />Ju'Van~ ' e Prev--e~tion C~ncaq, Chai. e . <br /> <br /> ' ' - - <br /> Date <br /> <br />ICl <br /> <br /> <br />