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Indemnification and Hold Harmless <br /> <br />The program manager agrees to at all times during the term of this agreement to indemnify and hold <br />harmless the Office of Juvenile Justice against liability, loss, damages, costs, or expense which the Office <br />of Juvenile Justice may be requested to pay by reason of any client's suffering personal injury, death, or <br />property loss, or damage either while participating in or receiving from the program services to be <br />furnished by the program under this agreement, operated, leased, chartered or otherwise contracted for by <br />the program or any employee who is furnishing services called for under this agreement; provided, <br />however, that the provisions of the paragraph shall not apply to liabilities caused by or resulting from the <br />acts of the Office of Juvenile Justice or any of its officers, employees, agents, or representatives. <br /> <br />Grantee Audit Requirement <br /> <br />If your program is receiving, using, or expending $25,000, or more, in combined state and federal funds <br />which includes federal pass through funds, through this program agreement or in combination with other <br />state agencies and/or state universities, an audit or statement of receipts and expenditures is required of <br />your basic financial statements as provided by N.C.G.S. 143-6.1. Said audit or statement must be prepared <br />in conformity with general accepted auditing standards, standards for financial audits contained in <br />"Government Auditing Standards" issued by the Comptroller General of the United States, and the <br />requirements of the appropriate Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular. Audits of <br />governmental entities must meet requirements of OMB Circular A-128 and, if a local government entity, <br />the NC Single Audit Implementation Act of 1987. Audits of non-governmental entities, both for-profit and <br />not-for-profit, must meet requirements of OMB Circular A-133. The audit report is to be submitted to the <br />Office of Juvenile Justice, the appropriate county fmance office, and to other recipients as appropriate, <br />within six months after the end of your program's fiscal year. If your program is a non-governmental <br />entity, a copy of the audit report should also be sent to the Office of the State Auditor in compliance with <br />N.C.G.S. 143-6.1. A corrective action plan for any audit finding should be submitted with the audit report. <br /> <br />Civil Rights Compliance <br /> <br />For the duration of the Program Agreement, the program agrees to comply with Title VII of the Civil <br />Rights Act of 1964 and all requirements imposed by federal regulations issued pursuant to that Title. <br /> <br />Termination <br /> <br />This agreement may be canceled at any time by either the Office of Juvenile Justice, county <br />:commissioners, or the program manager, with cause, upon at least 30 days notice, in writing, and delivered <br />by registered mail with return receipt requested or in person, or by mutual consent of all parties. <br /> <br />Acknowledgment <br /> <br />As a term of this agreement the recipient agrees to indicate the pro_m-am was funded in whole or in part by <br />the North Carolina Office of Juvenile Justice in publicity and program materials. <br /> <br /> <br />