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Statement of the Problem: In concise terminolog),, describe the juvenile justice problem the program <br />intends to address. <br />The majority of youth who come to the attention of the courts are need of <br />psychological assessment and intervention. Needed services include indiv- <br />idual and family therapy, testing, and substance abuse screening and ref- <br />erral for service. There is also a need for assessment and treatment of <br />sexually aggresalve youth. All of these clients are in need of some type of <br />case management. Without appropriate intervention these youth would go un- <br /> <br />treated and their problems would most likely become exascerbated. <br /> <br />Program Goal: State the effect that the program is designed to have on solving the problem described <br />ab oYe. <br />1. Eligible youth referred for service will receive comprehensive assessment <br />and treatment for behavioral, emotional, and substance abuse issues. <br />2. A primary contact person will continue to be placed at the court house to <br />ensure accessibility of service as we. Il as opportunity for consultation to the <br />court. <br />3. Sexually aggressive youth referred for service will continue to receive <br />assessment and treatment. <br />4. Identified Substance abusers will he referred to MAJORS <br />Target Pol~lation: Describe the target popuIat~'on and the steps that the program has taken to insure that <br />the target population is served <br />The target population includes youth ages 7 to 17 who are exhibiting pre- <br />delinquent, delinquent, substance abuse, undisciplined, or sexually aggressive <br />behavior~ These youth are authorized by the Juvenile Court Counselors. <br />The Conngelors and Cabarrus staff communicate regularly to insure <br />follow-through and continuity of services. <br /> <br />Measurable Objective(s): State in measurable terms the intended effect of the program on specific <br />undisciplined and/or delinquent behaviors. At a minimum, state anticipated reductions in court referrals, <br />runaway., behavior, d~srupt~ve behavior at school, anticipated improved school attendance and academic <br />achievement. <br />1. The program will average 28-32 clients at any time with a yearly goal of <br />80-96 served. <br />2. 50% of clients receiving services will successfully complete the program <br />and show a reduction in inappropriate behaviors (runaway, suspension,etc) <br />3. Training school admissions from this program will remain below 10% for <br />clients completing program <br />4.Monitoring will continue monthly through use of supervision and OJJ <br />tracking forms <br /> <br />Information Maintained for Effectiveness Measurement: List the data elements and records the <br />program will maintain to document its effectiveness. <br />Data Collection on involvement, frequency of and treatment outcomes are <br />collected. Youth who are clients of Piedmont Behavioral Healthcare will <br />have treatment records that will be maintained in compliance with the <br />North Carolina Division of MH/MRISA and OJJ standards. All OJJ forms <br />for reporting, billing and progress will he used. <br /> <br /> <br />