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Request for Proposals <br />OJJ Continuation Funding FY 2000-2001 <br /> <br />CABARRUS $ 300,771 April 14, 2000 <br /> <br />County County OJJ Allocation Date Advertised <br /> <br /> The use of OJJ Funds require a local match of 30 % <br /> <br />The Juvenile Crime Prevention Council having studied thc needs of youth in C'Ii}'~}rnlq County hereby publishes Ihis Request for <br />Proposals. <br /> <br />Office of Juvenile Justice (O J J) funds in the above stated amount will be available for programs serving delinquent and at-risk youth <br />for the state fiscal year 2000-2001 beginning on. or after, July 1. 2000. <br /> <br />Based on the assessment of youth needs, the prima .fy contributing factors to the problems of young people and most needed services <br />in this county have been determined to be the following: <br /> <br /> YOUTH PROBLEMS <br />I) Lack of basic educational competencies <br /> <br /> FAMILY PROBLEMS <br />Inadequate parenting skills <br /> <br />2) Lack ofsclfdiscipline 2) Lack of parental supervision <br /> <br />3) Substance abuse <br /> <br />4) Negative influence of peers <br /> <br />5) Lack of respect for authority <br /> <br />3) Lack of family support for the value of education <br /> <br />4) Dysfunctional family system <br /> <br />5) Failure to demonstrate positive role modeling <br /> <br />1) Group Home Services <br /> <br />2) Home-Based Family Services <br /> <br />3) Counseling <br /> <br />4) Restitution <br /> <br />5) Guided Growth <br /> <br />NEEDED SERVICES <br /> <br /> 6) Wilderness / Adxenture Sen'ices <br /> <br /> 7) Psychological Services to Juvenile Court <br /> <br /> 8) Temporary Shelter Care <br /> <br /> 9) Day Reporting Center <br /> <br /> 10) Prevention Program <br /> <br />Local public agencies, private non-profit corporations and local housing authorities wishing to submit applications for programs to <br />address any of the problem areas will need to secure program agreement forms and other necessary.' information from: <br /> <br /> Wes Seamon at 704-786-5611 <br /> Chief Court Counselor Telephone # <br /> <br />Further infon'nation and technical assistance will be provided. You may also contact )'our Office of Juvenile Justice Area Consultan! <br />by. calling 336-761-2452 ext 40 <br /> <br />The deadline For receiving funding applications is May 5~ 200~0. Mail or deliver four copies ~x'ilh signatures of thc application to <br />the following: <br /> Wes Seamon. Office of Juvemle Justice <br /> <br />PO Box 70 <br /> <br /> Concord, NC 28026-0070 Telephone # 704-786-561 I <br /> <br />Potential program providers should be prepared to make a presentation at the next JCPC meeting on <br />May 9, 2000 at 7:30am at the County Office Building in the Multipurpose room. Presentations shonld be <br /> <br /> C. <br /> <br /> <br />