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~une I, 2000 <br /> <br />WSACC <br /> <br />.Mr. Fle, tcher L. Hartsell, Jr. <br />Cabarr~ Coxuary Attoracy <br />Hartsell Hartsel~ & White PA <br />?? McCaehem Bo~evard SE <br />Concord, Nort~ Car~K~a 2802:5 <br /> <br />Subje~: Level 3 Communlc,don~/Coddle Creek Reservoir Crouing <br /> <br />Dea~ l,,fi'. Harts~ll: <br /> <br />A meeting with personnel related to the subject ~mject was held May 3 I, 2000 at the <br />Rocky River Regional Waroewat~r Treatmem Plant. Those i~ att~daxlcc were: Len~ie <br />Bollinger, Field Mai~et w:th Par~ns Brlnck&hoffNctwo~k Services, lno; 3'o1~ <br />Bowers, A~rney with Womble Carlyle Sandniige & Rice; Etie~ane Brod~tr, Level <br />Segment Superintendent with C-ilben Southexn Corp.; Chris Ruxkowski, Level a-Area <br />Manager with C-ilbcrt Smsthcrn Corp,; Ray Furl WSACC Wat;r Operatilm$ Mamager; <br />Todd Skoek$~ Coddle Creek Reservoir Maill~enance Technicia:L and myself ThLs <br />meeting was held at thc request of Mr. Ratkowski to address remainilag mgineering <br />tecEnical issues with the project as it tffe~ts th~ Coddle Cr~k <br /> <br />I have received ~ reviewed a "Spill Prevmtion Control aixl Cotmt~smeasure Plan" aid <br />revised $~,:lim~mtation md =roaion control plan. These do~umerRs are safisfactor/ <br />se,.al~ by a Pro _fe~__ionil E~_necr. Thc directional drilLing pro~le does not show a <br />rninimtlm depth 0£30' as agr~exi at the meeting, but an as-built drawing will be <br />acceptable a~ a~-'ed. Mr. Botlingex explained extra measares :md associated cosl~ with <br />· c drillin$ locating devices that are to be used and has sttppli~l a letter to me with liko <br />de~cri~uon. All docmnmta have b~a: found to be satisfactory. This will complete <br /> <br />have ~m s~p~ lo us. By way of ~s lc~, l'm not au~g ~y ~fi~ of~y <br />~d m~ to ~ proj~ You will n~ to ~-~ my l~gfl ~ues ~t ~y b~ <br />con~ b~re my ~fiviw ~m. Since I will ~ on racoon ~gl l~e 19. ~y <br />qu~do~ ~o~ ~ ~ ~ ~y F~ ~ tel~ne (7~788-~1~, ~. 16. ~nk <br />yoa for yo~ ~ce wi~ ~s ma~. <br /> <br />F~,lities Operations Director <br /> <br /> <br />