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Most groups, companies, communities and individuals do not have a clear Vision of the future <br />because of perceived difficulties in forecasting the future. Henry Luke has developed a proven <br />"Strategic Thinking" process that provides an opportunity for the community to efficiently develop <br />Vision and Strategy in the six foundation areas that create community competitive advantage. This <br />Vision and Strategy will become reality through Collaborative Implementation by the Vision <br />Partners. Organizations throughout the community will endorse the Vision and become Vision <br />Partners committed to long-term implementation. The Vision Partners will develop alliances to <br />make individual strategies reality in the appropriate priority order. <br /> <br />The Vision Process is designed at the beginning to expand the number of Vision Partners. There are <br />usually one to five founding Vision Partners and at the end of the Vision Process, there should be at <br />least one Vision Partner per 2,000 residents in the community. <br /> <br />Phase I <br />Vision..A statement describing the community at least ten to twenty years in the future: <br /> · Vision and Strategies for the top six issues identified by the public at the Stakeholders <br /> Summit or in the six foundations for a comprehensive strategic plan. <br /> <br />Education <br />Quality of Life <br />Infrastructure <br /> <br />Economic Development <br />Government <br />Private Sector Leadership <br /> <br /> Results in: 6 Visions <br /> 120 strategies <br /> 30 priority strategies <br />Five Community Core Values <br />Five Key Benchmarks to measure progress annually <br />Collaborative Implementation Process <br />Involvement of potential Vision Partners <br /> <br />Phase II <br />Collaborative Implementation by Vision Partners...Organizations throughout the community will <br />endorse the Vision and become Vision Partners committed to long term implementation. The <br />Vision Partners will develop alliances to make individual strategies reality in the appropriate <br />priority order. <br /> · I00 to 300 Vision Partners endorse the Vision <br /> · Vision Partners or Strategic Alliances of Vision Partners adopt specific strategies for <br /> implementation and develop for each strategy: <br /> Strategy Benchmark to serve as a guide in setting Action Steps and to <br /> measure progress each year <br /> Action Steps <br /> <br />All strategies will not be adopted the first year, but spread out over a 5-year period. <br />Annual update of the five Key Benchmarks and Strategy Benchmarks. <br /> <br />2 LPI <br /> <br /> <br />