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I was sum that the results of creating a new "VISION" for Whitfield County would translate into <br />squeaky-clean propositions totally without substance. Then Friday I attended my first tull <br />session of the VISIONING process. Focusing on the issue of economic development, the two- <br />hour meeting totally changed my views of Luke. Folks, this man knows his iob. Luke offered <br />very few concrete strategy points. Instead, he demanded that the solutions come from Task <br />Force members. And, in the process,. I think he got iust what we all want so much---a viable plan <br />for future growth. <br /> Murray Coleman June 26, 1996 <br /> Business Editor-The Daily Citizen-News <br /> Dalton, Georgia <br /> <br />Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Newport News, Virginia-Hampton Roads <br />Henry Luke understands economic development. He understands community development and <br />the issues that will impact the future of communities. He has the ability to get diverse groups of <br />people together and get them to talk and make decisions. This was Luke's third Chamber <br />assignment with Hombeck since 1985. <br /> Sack Hombeck, CCE October 11, 1993 <br /> · President-Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce <br /> Norfolk, VA <br /> <br />Henry Luke was very, very effective. We didn't know how to structure PLAN 2007. <br />He really helped us define what we're trying to do. <br /> William H. Wallace October 11, 1993 <br /> Dean-College of Business- Old Dominion University <br /> Hampton Roads, Virginia <br /> <br />Southern Business & Development said in the Spring 1996, "Hampton Roads seems well <br />positioned to emerge as an economic rome to be mentioned in the same breath with the Atlantas, <br />Dallases, Orlandos and Charlottes of the world. On the cusp of the 21st century, this ambitious <br />giant suddenly is coming fully awake." Jack Hornbeck, President of the Hampton Roads <br />Chamber of Commerce said, "I credit our recent success to at least two key things- the re- <br />focusing of our development efforts as a result of PLAN 2007 and a new spirit of public/private <br />sector cooperation in taking advantage of our opportunities". <br /> VISION Newsletter <br /> <br />Florida Department of Transportation <br />Them was only one person in Florida to mm for guidance, facilitation, and leadership--Henry <br />Luke! After the positive intensity of our sessions together Florida's DOT had its first strategic <br />transportation plan. This plan resulted in an awakening of Florida's citizens, and even some in <br />state government. No fair minded observer can doubt that this "mad map" for Florida's futura <br />was critical to the passage of Amendment 4, and the largest user fee increases in history. <br /> Kayo N. Henderson, P.E. June 28, 1993 <br /> Secretary--Florida Department of Transportation (1987-1990) <br /> Tallahassee, Florida <br /> <br />13 LPI <br /> <br /> <br />