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Fish <br /> <br />Cabarrus County <br />Intranews-Net <br />August 2000 Issue <br /> <br />There is a familiar adage that says "give a man a fish and feed trim for a day, teach a <br />man to fish and feed lfim for a lifetime". For years, the Department of Social Services <br />was bound by rules and regulations that in many cases created dependency rather than <br />self-sufficiency. In a typical scenario clients received cash to solve their immediate need <br />without a thorough look at how, why and if or when the <br />situation may recur. That is until new. <br /> <br />The Cabarrus County Department of Social Services' <br />"l~ewFocus" program has changed the way the <br />Department does business. It also has earned thom cite <br />Ralph Ketner Employee Pro ductivity Award from the <br />North Carolina Association of County Commissioners. <br />NCACC Executive Director C. Ronald Aycock says the DSS <br />entry was rated among the top ten of the 84 participants. "County employees like you <br />set awonderful example to others to rettdttk their way of doing business", he says. <br /> <br />According to Jim Cook, "the ~TewFocus program is designed to help families avoid <br />long-term welfare cash assistance by providing effective services and short-term <br />assistance when they initially come to the agency for help. Unfortunately, for many <br />years, the policies for the Federal cash assistance program we administered essentially <br />required the agency to take applications for ongoing cash assistance. Welfare <br />dependency was too often the result. The ~ewFocus is a newway of doing business." <br /> <br />That newway of doing business begins with a newidea about the business says Pran <br />O'Connor DSS Social Work Supervisor TIT, who manages <br />the Employment Programs at the department. The l~ew <br />Focus is a "paradigm shift in Work First Cash <br />Assistance". What that means is DSS nowlooks at ways to <br />create self-sufficiency long term while getting a family <br />past the immediate crisis. Ms. O'Connor says that the <br />solution can be in childcare, employment, or short-term <br />transportation, among others. So far, 70% of cash <br />assistance applicants have been diverted from receiving <br />ongoing cash assistance. It has restflted in savings of over <br />$200,000 that families would have received for cash assistance. <br /> <br />The New Focus is both an invaluable asset and long-term <br />solution, according to Frogram Administrator James Polk, <br />"The l~ew Focus is a real benefit to all concerned. For the <br />welfare client, it provides immediate help, to get them out <br />of a crisis situation or over a hurdle, and back on their feet. <br />To the taxpayer, it saves money by not having clients being <br />lang-term dependent on a welfare check." <br /> <br /> <br />