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No person having transactions wi~h ~he Trustee shall be required %o see %o the <br />application by the Trustee 0£ an~ prope~-t~' i~volved in such ~r~nsactions. <br /> <br /> The Trustee shall not be liable for depreciation in the value of ar~ property <br />held in the Trust estate or for ax~ error cf Jndgment but shaJ.T be liable for acks <br />of bad f~ith, negligence or ~rongdoing. <br /> <br /> Distributive Provisions.~The Trastoc shall e~4~ister thi~ trust estate for <br />the follo~ uses and purposes~ <br /> <br /> The net income and the principal of this trust estate shRll be paid or de- <br />livered to the Grantor at such intervals and in such amounts as the Grantor shall <br />from time to tame speci~ in ~it%en instructions signed by s~ duly authorized <br />officer of the Grantor. <br /> <br /> P~ights Reserved By ~rantor.~The ~rentor reserves the x'Aght to withdraw from <br />the oper~ion of this agre~-ent ~ny of the properties held in trust; to add other <br />properties; to change the beneficiaries, their shares =~ the' plan cf distribution; <br />and to modify, amend, add to.~ or revoke ~his agreement. <br /> <br /> P&ght of Trustee ~o Resign.~The Trustee reserves the right to resign as <br />trustee hereunder a% an~ time by giving the Grantor thirty days' notice in writing. <br /> <br /> Compensation of Trustee.--As compensation for its services, the Trustee ~hell <br />be entitled to retain the s~m~sions s~ipulatod in its reg~-larly adopted sch~ule <br />of compensation in effect and applicable at the time of the perfoz~Rmce cf such <br />serviies; provided (1) that such compensation shall not be less than $25 per annum <br />ancl (2) that such c~mpensation shall not exceed the c~tssion ~c~en -~ble Dy <br />law for such services. <br /> <br /> THIS AG~NT shall be construed in accordance with, and the s~m4~istmtion <br />of the properties held in tms% here~m~er sb~ll be deto~.~ued by, the laws of the <br />State of North Oarolina irrespective of the d~cile or residence of the ~rentor <br />or of the sit~s of a~ prepe,-~ (real or personal) held in trust hereunder. <br /> <br /> · ~N ~-~TNESS ~EREOF, t~e ~rantor h~s caused this agreamen~ to be executed in its <br />nsme by its President and attested by its Secretery and its corporate seal to be <br />~ffixed; ~ the Trustee, in anoep%amce of the tr~st hereby created, h~s caused ~bis <br />agreement to be signed by one of its Vice Presidents and attested by its Secretary, <br />or one of its Assistant Secretaries, ~ its ~orporate se~l to be sfffixad. <br /> <br />ATTEST: <br />[/ Secretary ~/ <br /> <br />Ass is t ~a~_~ S e~c retary <br /> <br />WACHOVIA ~ AND TI~ST COMPA~ <br />V~e President <br /> <br />T~STEE <br /> <br /> <br />