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Award of Bid ($643,850) to Brown Utility C~,~anlf for the North Cabarrus Park <br />Cone tz-detion Pro~ ect <br /> <br /> The following bide were received on August 8, 2000 for the North <br />Cabarrus Park Construction Project. The ~Advertieement for Bids# was <br />published in '&~ INDEpP~NDENT TRIBUNE on July 9, 2000. <br /> <br />SINGLE PRIME BID <br /> <br /> N.C. Received <br /> License Bid Addendum Total Add <br />Bidder No. I Bond No. I Bid Alt. 1 <br />T. K. Browne X X X $622,160.00 +17,290.00 <br />Construction <br />Concord Builders X X X $686,957.00 +24,000.00 <br />Eagle Wood, Inc. X X X $704,460.00 +16,285.00 <br />Cresent Construction X X X $637,590.00 +15,948.00 <br />Jarrell Contractors X X X $6~0,960.00 +16,900.00 <br />Brown Utility X X X $628,850.00 +15,000.00 <br /> <br />(NOTE= Add Alternate No. I - 8-foot Asphalt Walk) <br /> <br />MULTIPLE PRIME BID - GENERAL CONSTRUCTION <br /> <br /> N.C. Received <br /> License Bid Addendum Total Add <br />Bidder No. I Bond No. I Bid Alt. 1 <br />Concord Builders X X X $642,5~2.50 +24,000.00 <br />Cresent Constr~c~ion X X X $591,380.00 +15,948.00 <br />Eagle Wood, Inc. X X X $664,212.00 +16,285.00 <br />Jarrell Contractors X X X $587,900.00 +16,900.00 <br />Brown Utility X X $588,950.00 +15,000.00 <br />T. K. Browne Const. X X X $590,742.00 +17,2~0.00 <br /> <br />MULTIPLE PRIME BID - BUILDING PLUMBING CONSTRUCTION N.C. Received <br /> License Bid Addendum Total <br />Bidder No. I Bond No. I Bid <br />Castor Plu.mbing Co. X X X $24,603.00 <br /> <br />MULTIPLE PRIME BID - BUILDING <br /> <br />MECH~NICAL/ELECTRIC~3~ CONSTRUCTION - NO Bids <br /> <br />(NOTE: The multiple prime bids for the project were rejected due to the lack <br />of bids for building electrical/mechanical construction.) <br /> <br /> Mr. Little presented the single prime bids for the construction of <br />Phases i and 2 of the North Cabarrus Park Project. Be recommended the award <br />of the contract to the Iow bidder, Brown Utility company, in the total amount <br />of $643,850.00 (base bid plus alter-hate). Mr. Little r~cognized the efforts <br />by Representative Leonard Sossamon in securing Department of Transportation <br />fn~ding for a stoplight at the intersection of 0r~hanage Road and 0akwood <br />Avenue. He also expressed appreciation to the Church of 0od Children's Home <br />for providing additional land for the relocation of the park entrance road. <br /> <br /> ~ON MOTION of Chairman Fennel, seconded by Commissioner Carpenter and <br />unanimously carried, the Board awarded the contract for the North Cabarrus <br />Park conetr~ction project to the low bidder, Brown Utility Company, in the <br />total amount of $643,850.00 (base bid of $628,850.00 plus Add Altermate <br />Number I - 8~foot asphalt walk at $15,000.00). <br /> <br /> Chairman Fennel announced that Commissioner Barnhart was not present as <br />he was taking a well-deserved rest. He comm~nded Commissioner BarD-hart and <br />his wife for their activities with the Belarus children's operation in the <br />United States. <br /> <br />~pdats of the County's Work First Count~ Block ~rant Plan and Appointment of <br />~lannin~ C~mutttee - Jim Cook <br /> <br /> Mr. Cook reported the Work First County Block Grant Plan had been <br />successful in Cabarrus county. He stated it was now time to update the plan <br />that was first submitted in 1990. Mr. Cook briefly reviewed the Work First <br />Program, the appointment of a Planning Committee and the request that the <br />Board change from the 'standardm to the ~electing# status for Cabarrus <br />County. <br /> <br /> <br />