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STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA <br />COUNTY O1' CABARRU$ <br /> <br />LEASE AGI~I*.I*.MENT <br /> <br /> TH~ AGREEMENT is made and entered into this the~t},day of August, 2000, by and .between <br />the Coam7 of Cabarrm (hereinafter referred to as "County") and the City of Kanna~lis (her~aP~r referred <br />to as "City"). <br /> <br /> WH'gREAS, thl.q agra-merit is execuled pumuant to G.S. 160A-274 and G.S. 153A-165 providing <br />for the lease and joint use of governmental property; and <br /> <br /> WHtCREAS, it is the desire of the partie~ hereto that they enter into an ~t whereby the City <br />would the property described herei,nafter from the County upon terms a~d conditiom ~ forth therein; <br /> <br /> NOW ~FORE, upon vah~able consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged <br />by each party, and upon the premi.qe~ contained herein, the partie~ agree as follows: <br /> <br /> 1.0 Reeltais and Prior ~A.greement. The recitah co;nta'inPd above are incoI10orated herein as a <br />part of this a~mt. <br /> <br /> 2.0 ~. Upon tenm and conditiom set forth herein County do~ hereby demise <br />and lea~e unto City an appw~imatety 13.77 acre tract of land on the south side of Forest Park Drive, <br />~:ann ~apO1/.q, North Carolina (the Property), a map of which prolxm'y is attached hereto a~ Exhibit "A" and <br />incorporated as a part of this agreement. <br /> <br /> 3.0 Term. The term of this lease shall he for a l~/ocl of twenty (20) years heg~nnlng <br />September 1, 2000 and ending at 12:01 a.m. August 31, 2021. <br /> <br /> 4.0 Annual_Rent. The rent for th!.q lease shall he one dollar ($1.00) payable anm~lly in <br />advanc~ on September 1st of eachlease year. <br /> <br /> 5.0 Use. The Property is accepted for use a~ a public park and will be used and developed for <br />such purpose. <br /> <br /> 6.0 <br />Property. <br /> <br />III/lite. City will pay for all water, sewer and other Iltitity chnrges for services to the <br /> <br /> 7.0 lndemni~ and In.qurance. City does hereby inde-,,ify and hold harmless the County for <br />all liability, los, expenses, including attoI~y fees, and costs of any kind or _nan~'e whatqoevcr resulting <br />from any injuries or dawage claims. City shall maintain in force dm-lng the term of this lease, public <br />liability imurance, nami~ Ccnmty as an additinml ix]sured, with coverage in an amount of no less than <br />$1,000,000.00 per occmtc-x:tce. A copy of said policy or endorsement and each renewal thereof during the <br />term of this lease shah be delivered to Coum7. <br /> <br /> 8,0 Entry. . Upon Abandonment. In the eve~ City, at any time during the term of this lease <br />aba~dom the Property or any part thereof, Cc~mty may, at County's option, retake possession of the <br /> <br />9.0 <br /> <br />Each party to this agreement further agrees as follows: <br /> <br /> <br />