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Section 6669. Nome of subdivision and il3 roads <br /> <br />The name of a subtile'on or its roads shall not duplLe~t_.e nor dosdy approximate, either phonetically <br />or by spelling the name of an existing mbdivision or roads wiflin the County, within any m, mlcipality <br />within the County, or in an adj~_cmt County or manicipality (~ffthe developmeut is in close proximity to <br />anod~ jurisdiction). AIl mines must be approved by the County Platmln$ Division. <br /> <br />Section 66-70. Flood damage prevention <br /> <br />Lots that are subject to flooding shall not be established in subdivi~ons for the purpose of <br />~ s~s except as herein provided and in accordance vdth E0od D~e Preve~.on Otdin~ce <br />(as amended October 1994) of Cabatrus County. <br /> <br />If there is any wa~r course of any type running through or within 150 f~t o£the <br />property proposed ~nr subdivision, the prospective subdivider shall provide evidence to <br />the Planning and Zoaing Commism'on, by making ~ to nmps prepared by the <br />Federal Emergency Mav~g~raent AgencY, that the lots within the subdhdsion w~l not <br />be flooded. <br /> <br />The prospective subd~'der shall make a detennh~on ct'the crest devaiion of a flood <br />of 100 year probable fi-equency in accontance with generally ~ engineering <br />practice. This' det~,,~_6on:must. reflect the actual conditions imposed by the <br />complCa~l subdivision, and must give.due consideration to the eff-~cts of u_eoanizafion <br />and obstructions. <br /> <br />No proposed building Io~ shown that is wholly subject to flooding shall be <br />approved. <br /> <br />No proposed building lot that is parlially subject to floodlug sh~l! be approved, <br />unless there is established on the lot plan a line repres~ting an actual contour <br />~t an elevation two (2) foot above the 100 year flooc[ Such line shall be <br />known and idmtified on the lot plan or the "building restriction flood line". <br /> <br />All buildings or structures designed or intended for use shall be located on such <br />a lot so that the lowest usable and functional part of the structure shall not be' <br />below the elevation of building re~tAction flood line~ U:_~51e and fimctional _ <br />part of the mu~ure is defined as berg inclusive of living area% basemems, <br />sunken d~, u_n~qy rooms, attached ca-ports and mechanical appurtenances <br />such as furmc~, sir condifionm's, water pumps, de6i~ieal conduits and wiring _ <br />but shall not include water lines or sanita~ sewer traps, piping and cleanouts <br />provided opmings se~ing the structure are above the building restriction flood <br />li~e. <br /> <br /> <br />