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By-laws 5/14/97 <br />Pg. 4 <br /> <br />clerk will notify all members in written form in the event of cancellation of a meeting. <br />Meeting notices and agendas are to be mailed in sufficient time for them to have been <br />received by each committee member prior to the meeting date. <br /> <br />Special meetings may be called by the Chaimxan or at the request of the majority voting <br />members. The purpose of the meeting shall be stated with no additional agenda items <br />pemfissible. At least 48 hours notice will be given. <br /> <br />Section 3 - Ouorums <br />A quorum is the presence of four (4)jurisdictions plus NCDOT. <br /> <br />Section 4 - Majority_ Vote <br />A majority vote is required to pass action items presented to the TCC and is defined as <br />the simple majority of the voting members present. <br /> <br />Section 5 - Attendance <br />Each member and/or their alternate is expected to attend each meeting. For members not <br />at'tending 3 consecutive meetings, the Chairman will send to the chief elected officer of <br />the jurisdiction of the member in question, a letter indicating the number of absences and <br />requesting reaffirmation or redesignation of the jurisdiction representative. <br /> <br />Section 6 - A_,2enda <br />The agenda, at minimum, is a list of considerations for discussion and/or action at a <br />meeting. The items on the agenda originate as carry-over from previous meetings as 'Old <br />Business'. New [rems are placed on the agenda prior to its distribution by any member <br />jurisdiction or by the request of the TCC Chairman as 'New Business'. Additional items <br />may be included on the agenda as long as there is a majority concurrence of the eligible <br />voting members present who are party to the Memorandum of Understanding. <br /> <br />Section 7 - Voting Procedures <br />The Chairman or any member may call for a vote on any issue that has been properly <br />seconded and is within the purposes set forth in Article II and provided the issue is on the <br />agenda as outlined in Section 5 of this article. Each eligible member shall have one equal <br />vote, and a majority vote of the members present shall constitute approval of any <br />resolution. The Chairman is permitted to vote but ex-officio members are not. In the <br />absence of any direction from the by-laws the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order <br />will designate procedures governing voting. Members may ask to be excused from <br />voting provided that there is legitimate conflict of interest and the TCC approves the <br />request. Proxy and/or absentee voting is not permitted. Abstentions are not included in <br />the tally of the vote. <br /> <br /> <br />