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10. A/~er completin~ hil audit, the Aud~tar shalJ submit td the GoverninK ~ard a w~ten ~po~ o~ au~L. <br /> ~po~ sh~ include~ .t ]e*st, the ~nanci~ statements o~the governmental unit and ~ o[it~ component un~Ls <br /> and notes ~he~ p~pa~d in a~rdance with goneraUy accepted accountln~ p~ncipies, combinin~ ~nd <br /> suppZemen~a~ Jn~orm~Jon ~quee~e~ b~ ~he c~en~ or ~quJred tar ~uU ~sc]osu~ under ~e law, an~ ~he <br /> au~r'~ opinion on the ma~ p~sen~ed. ~a Author s~eU E~rn~s~ ~e requi~d number o~ cop~os o~ ~e <br /> ~po~ o/aunt re the Governing ~ard as s~n as pracCic~ 8~or i~o close o~r~e accoun~in~ <br /> <br /> ~e Au~tor sh~ ~e with the ~ Government ~mmission two copies oF the ~pon oF au~L inclu~ng one <br /> copy oF the ;eder~ Da~a ~Uection Form, ~ a ~ederal single aunt is conducts& ~o cop~es o~ the repon <br /> · u~t =ho~ ~ .ubmic~ed ~ an au~ ~s required ~o be per~ormed only under ~he ~quiremen~s o~ ~he <br /> Single Au~ [mp]emenCa~ion Act or a ~nanci~ aunt is required re bo per~orme~ in accordance with <br /> Government ~u~tin~ S~anda~. Othe~Jse. one copy sh~ be submi~re& ~pies oF the report shaU ~ <br /> wi~h the ~c~ Government ~mmJ~sion when (or prior to) submitting ~he invoice ~or the sauces <br /> ~ copie~ o~the ~po~ submitted mus~ be bound. ~he repo~ o~ aunt, as Fded wi~h the ~cre~a~ o~ tho <br /> ~overnmen~ ~mmJssion, becomes a ma~ter o~ public recor~ ~or inspection an~ re~ew in ~he o~ces oF the <br /> Sec~a~ by any in~e~sred pa~e=. ~y subsequent roHsions to ~hese ropo~s must ~ sen~ ~o the SecroCa~ <br /> o; the ~ Government ~mmission. These au~ted ~nanc~ statements are used in che preparation <br /> O~ci~ Statements ~or debt offe~ngs, by munJc~p~ ~ond rating sauces, and ~o ~=IF~ socond~ market <br /> · sclosure requirements o~the Securities and ~xchange ~mmiss~on. <br /> <br />12. Should c~umstances ~sc]osed by the au~ c~ for a more ~e=~ed investigation by the Au~tor ~han <br /> necessa~ under or~na~ circumstances, the ~u~tor shaU in[arm the Governing ~ard in writing oF ~he need <br /> For suc~ ad~tion~ investigation an~ the a~Cion~ compensation require~ ~ere~or. Upon approv~ by tho <br /> Secre(a~ o~ the ~ Government ~mmiss~on, c~is agreement may ~o varied or changed to include <br /> increased time sneer compensation as may ~o agree~ upon by the ~overnJng ~ar~ and the <br /> <br />]3. [~ an appmva~ contrac~ needs to ~ vaned or change~ ~or any reason, the change must be reduce~ ~o writin;, <br /> signed by ~rh pa~es, p~au~ed ff necossa~, and submitted Lo ~he Secretary o~ ~ha ~ca] ~ovornmen~ <br /> ~mmissJon ;or app~v~. Ho chan~e shah be effecdve unless ao~ved by the Secre~a~' ~( ~e <br /> ~overnmenc ~mmiss~on. the Governin; ~ar& and ~he <br /> <br />],l. ~onovor tho Audi(or uses an engagement ]or~or wJ~h Lbo client, hems ~ and 1~ m=y ~o COml)]ero~ ~y <br /> ~Ferenc~ng Lbo engagemen~ ]e~or an~ attaching a copy o~ ~he engagement ]et~er ~o tho con~rec[ to <br /> r~e en;agemont ]et~er Jn~o t~e conCrecL In case o; con,Jo( between the terms o~ t~e engagement letter and <br /> terms o~ this contract, the terms o~ ~h~s con~rac~ w~]] control. ~ngagoment Io~or terms are deemed to bo void <br /> un,ess tho connoting terms oF ~his conrrac~ are speci~calJy do]oCo~ in [~em 2] o~ c~is con~racL <br /> }er(ers con~n~n; ~ndemn~caCion clauses w~ nec be approve~ by the ~ca~ Government ~mm~ssion. <br /> <br />There are no apocia~ provisions except: <br /> <br />]6. A separaLe contract, should not be made far each division to be audked 'or repor~ to be submitted. A separate <br /> contract must be executed for each component unit which is a local government and for which a separate aunt <br /> report is issued. <br /> <br />17. The contract should be executed and submitted in triolicate to the Secretary of the Local Government <br /> Commission, 325 North Sahsbury Street, RMeigh. North Carolina 27603-1385. <br /> <br />18. Upon approval, the origina] contract will be returned to the Governmental Unit, a copy will be forwarded to <br /> the Auditor, and e copy retained by the Secretary of tho Local Government Commission. The audit should <br /> be started b~fore t}~e ¢ontragr~ js ppproved. <br /> <br />19. There are no other agreements between the parties hereto and no other agreements relative hereto Lhut shall <br /> bo enforceable unless entered into in accordance with the procedure sot out heroin and upprovud i~.y the <br /> Secretary of the Local Government Commission. <br /> <br />20. H' this eu&t engagement is not subject to Gover0raenl AucLitine Sta0~erds. then Item 5 shell be ]isted as <br /> doJeted provision in Item 21. Aa explanation must be given for deJeting this pro~eion. <br /> <br />21. AU o1' the above paragraphs are understood end shall apply to this agreement, except the fei]owing numbered <br /> paragraphs shalJ be deleted: (See Item 245 <br /> <br />POTTER & COMPANY, P.A. <br /> <br />By ,JAN M. GLOVER <br /> <br />Approved by the Secret~ry et'the Local Government <br />CommJslioe as provided ia Article 3, Chapter [59 of <br /> <br /> <br />