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PART II (of3 Pa~s) <br /> <br />Terms end Conditions Governing Contracts <br />between a Subgrantee and Subcontractor for <br />ProfessionaJ or Technical Se,wices <br /> <br /> addition to any conditions specified in Part I, this Contract is subject to all cf the ccndiiicns listed <br />be!ow. Waiver of any of these conditions must "'* <br /> ~,= upon ;he express wri~en approval of an <br />authorized representative of the Depa~ment of Commerce and such waiver shall be made a part <br /> this Contract. <br /> <br />1. Termination o~,Contract. If, through any cause, the Subcontractor shaJl fail to fulfill in a fime/y <br />and proper manner his obligation under this contract, or if the Subcontractor shall violate an:/ of <br />the covenants, agreements or stipulations of this Contract, or if the grant under which this Contract <br />is made is terminated by DOC', the Subgrantee shall thereupon have the dght to terminate this <br />contract by givfng written notice to the Subcontractor of such termination and specifying the <br />effective date thereof. Jf the Subcontractor is unable or unwilling to comply with such additional <br />conditions as may be lawfully imposed by DOE on the grant or contract under which the <br />Subgrantee is pe~orming the program to which these professional services are being rendered, <br />the Subcontractor shall have the right to terminate the Contract by giving written notice to the <br />Subgrantee, signifying the effective date thereof. In the event of the termination ail prope.,ty and <br />finished or unfinished documents, data, studies, and reports purchased or prepared by the <br />Subcontractor under this Contract shaJl, at the option of the Subgrantee, become its property and <br />the Subcontractor shall be entitled to compensation for any unreJmbursed expenses necessarily <br />incurred in satisfactory performance of the Contract. Notwithstanding the above, the <br />Subcontractor shall not be relieved of liability to the Subgrantee for damages sustained by the <br />Subgrantee by virtue of any breach of Contracts executed under this grant program by the <br />Subcontractor, and the Subgrantee may withhold any reimbursement to the Subcontractor for the <br />purpose of set-off .against this and/or pr, lot_ contracts executed under., this grant program until <br />such time as the exact amount of damages due the Subgrantee from the Subcontractor is agreed <br />upon or otherwise determined. <br /> <br />2. Changes. The Subgrantee may, from time to time, request changes in the scope of the <br />s~rvices of the Subcontractor to be performed hereunder. Such changes, including any increase <br />or decrease in the amount of the Subcontractor's compensation, which are mutually agreed upon <br />by and between the Subgrantee and the Subcontractor, must be incorporated in written <br />amendments to this Contract. <br /> <br />3. 'Frsve! Exue,qses. If the Subcontractor is to be reimbursed for travel expenses, and (1) if the <br />Subcontractor is a public agency, expenses charged for travel shall not exceed those aJlcwabJe <br />under the customary practice in the government cf which the agency is a pa~; or (2) if the <br />$cbcor::ractor is a orivaie agency, expenses charged for ~r,~,/el she//not exceed those which would <br />:ze ailc',,¢ed ur, der the rules of the Un/ted States Government governing official travel by its <br />em.cloyees. In any , ' <br /> e¢en,, per diem other than mileage, for activities within a 50 mile radius cf the <br />Subcontractor is not allowable unless prior written approva is received from the Subgrantee. <br /> <br /> <br />