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Section 5: Schedule of Imctementation. The Subgrantee agrees that a minimum of. units <br />are to be serviced during the grant period defined in Part I, Section 3. In addition, the <br />Sub. contractor agrees that if the rate of completion of service repaired/replaced units fails to a level <br />that will prevent the Subcontractor from utilizing the full amount of funds provided under this <br />contract, then the Subcontractor will notify the Subgrantee of such a situation and allow the re <br />negotiation cf the contract to a funding level consistent with the Subcontractor's current rate cf <br />production. This rate of production and expenditure must equal at a minimum 50% of the <br />contracted units and budqet within five (5) months of contract execution date and 90% of <br />the contracted units and budqet must be completed and expended within ten (101 months <br />of contract execution date In the event that the Subgrantee receives an approved Average Cost <br />Waiver from the Grantee, the minimum unit requirement shall be adjusted accordingly. <br /> <br /> Section 6: Tentative Allocations. All HARF~P contract funds allocated within the State of <br />North Carolina are tentative and are based on the Subcontractor's'ability to implement the HARRP <br />in accordance with prescribed guidelines as set forth by the Subgrantee. This shall include: (1) <br />the execution of HARRP activities in a sound, economical, and efficient manner to the satisfaction <br />of the Subgrantee as determined by monitoring and evaluation visits by the Grantee, or its <br />representatives; (2) the operator's ability to secure and maintain adequate labor support to carry <br />out HARRP activities; and (3) the submission of required financial and program reports when due. <br />No Subgrantee shall be funded until (1) it has proper administrative and support mechanisms to <br />effectively implement the HARRP program; this shall include, but not be limited to supervisor,/ <br />personnel, adequate storage facilities, labor; (2) it has expended its current allocation, or has <br />insufficient funds to continue Program activities; and (3) all required reports have been submitted <br />to the Subgrantee. The Subcontractor agrees that performance based on the above conditions is <br />of the utmost importance and further that failure to meet the conditions of Par'[ Ill, Sections 5 and <br />6, as determined by the Subgrantee, shall be considered a breach of this agreement and shall <br />result [n contract terminatfon. Any unexpended funds shall be withdrawn from the Subcontractor <br />and redistributed to other program Subcontractors. <br /> <br /> Section 7: Aeoroach to HARRP. The Applianbe Evaluation Form shall be used to determine <br />measures necessary to be taken. These procedures shall include inspection and testing of all <br />combustion appliances to address all heatth, safety and efficiency concerns. A detailed cost <br />estimate of appropriate measures to be performed shall be completed on each unit certified for <br />services prior to actual work. <br /> <br /> Section 8: Final Insoection Prior to reporting a unit as complete, the Subccntractor shall <br />assure that a final inspection is performed and shall certify that applicable work' has been <br />completed in a satisfactory manner, that ~ciency guidelines have been met and measures taken <br />are in accordance with the priorities determined by the Appliance Evaluation Form. <br /> <br /> Section 9: Reservicinq Guidelines Clean Tune and Evaluations(CTE) will be included as a <br />follow up component of the HARRP program. A oil fired system may receive a CTE every heating <br />seascn, a =cas fired system every three years (maximum cost $60). Chimneys should be clear*ed <br />~'~er.,' ?'e~r ~: ~ maximum cos~ of $100. <br /> <br />I'" ~here is a,q occurrence in which a system now requires replacement and has been repaired in <br />...,. - ~ 7esrsthe~revious rep~ir costs incfuded towards the S2000sys~em replacement <br />7he Sub~ra¢~ee shs~l complete a new appfiance eva~usdon form and re~o~ as a <br /> <br /> <br />