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of any kind relating to a building or component. <br />Neither the issuance of a permit, nor the <br />completion of an inspection, nor a certificate of <br />occupancy shall constitute a warranty or <br />guarantee either that the construction or <br />alteration complies with all applicable laws and <br />ordinances or that it is free of defects or will <br />perform or last in any pa~cular way. (Ord. of <br />5-13-92, 8:6) <br />State law reference - Time limitation on validity of <br />permits, G.S. I53A-358. <br /> <br />Sec. 14-31. Permit fees. <br />(a) All applicable fees must be paid before a <br />certificate of occupancy is issued. <br /> <br />Co) A roinspection charge shall bo assessed <br />for any required subsequent inspections ffthe <br />contractor, subcontractor, or owner is at fault, <br />thereby necessitating the reinspection. <br /> <br />(c) All permit fees must be paid at the time <br />of application unless the applicant posts a <br />performance security bond. Should a bond be <br />posted, the applicant shall be billed by the <br />Development Services Department for the <br />permit. <br /> <br />(d) No permits will be issued under the <br />billing procedure above if the applicant's <br />account is 60 or more days in arrears and not <br />paid in full. <br /> <br />(e) The fee for day care inspections shall be <br />set from time to time and a schedule of such fees <br />is on file in the county offices. <br /> <br />(f) The schedule of fees shall be established <br />for all new construction and is available in the <br />county offices. <br /> <br />(g) All mobile homes are required to have a <br />permit to locate in the county. This permit fee <br />includes the electrical and plumbing hookup <br />charges. In addition, a plumbing permit fee <br />shah be assessed on all new spaces for all <br />mobile home. <br />(Ord. of 5-13-91, & 7: Ord. of 6-21-93, &l) <br /> <br />Sec. 14-32. Inspections. <br />(a) The senior codes enforcement officer <br />shall also serve as codes enforcement officer <br />for the following municipalities: Concord, <br />Harrisburg, Kannapolis, and Mt. Pleasant. <br /> <br />(b) As the work pursuant to a perrmt <br />progresses, local codes enforcement officers <br />shall make as many inspections of the work as <br />may be necessary to satisfy them that it is being <br />done according to the provision of the applicable <br />state and local laws and local ordinances and <br />regulations and the terms of the permit. Strings <br />showing outside wall locations and grade <br />markers are required to show depth of concrete. <br />In exercising this power, each member of the <br />Development Services Department has a aright, <br />upon presentation of proper credentials, to enter <br />on any premises within the territorial jurisdiction <br />of the depa~hnent at any reasonable hour for the <br />purposes of inspection or other enforcement <br />action. <br /> <br />(c) The Development Services Department <br />shall make periodic inspections, subject to the <br />board of commissioners' directions, for unsafe, <br />unsanitary, or otherwise hazardous and unlawful <br />conditions in buildings within its territorial <br />jurisdiction. In addition, it shall make any <br />necessary inspections when it has reason to <br />believe that such conditions may exist in a <br />particular building. Jla exercising theses powers, <br />each member of the Development Services <br />D..epartment has a right, upon presentation of <br />proper credentials, to enter or any premises <br />within the territorial jurisdiction of the <br />department at any reasonable hour for the <br />purposes of inspection or other enforcement <br />action. <br /> <br />(d) At the conclusion of all work done <br />under a permit, the appropriate codes <br />enforcement officer shall make a final <br />inspection. If he finds that the completed work <br />complies with all applicable state and local laws, <br />local ordinances and regulations and with the <br />terms of the permit, he/she shall issue a <br />certificate of compliance. No new building or <br />part thereof may be occupied, no addition or <br />enlargement of an existing building may be <br />occupied, and no existing building that has been <br /> <br />3 <br /> <br /> <br />