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STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA <br /> OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR <br /> RALEIGH 27603-8001 <br /> <br />JAMES E~. HUNT JR, <br />GOVERNOR <br /> <br />June 7,1999 <br /> <br />Dear County Chair: <br /> <br /> We live in one of the greatest states in America. We have the finest University <br />system in the country, we are attracting more businesses than ever and we are doing more <br />for children in education than any other state, yet we have a very serious problem--litter. <br /> <br /> Lit rer encompasses our rivers, lakes and roadsides. Many of our counties, cities <br />and towns are covered with collapsing buildings and other debris that create eyesores. <br />Not only does this impact the travel and tourism industry and economic development, but <br />also the quality of life. I know we are doing many things to correct this problem, but we <br />must do much more. We need to renew our sense of pride and recommit ourselves to <br />keeping our great state clean and beautiful. In order to do this, [ have launched a Clean <br />NC 2000 initiative. I want us to work together to clean up this state by the end of the <br />year 2000. <br /> <br /> As a part of this initiative I have created, by executive order, a Clean NC 2000 <br />Board. [ am excited that your president, Robert Greet has agreed to serve on this board. <br />I want us to work together to clean up this state by the end of the year 2000. I want us to <br />instill a sense of pride among North Carolinians in the beauty of the state and a <br />responsibility to keep it that way. We also need to reduce the number of unsightly, <br />unsafe and irreparable structures in North Carolina, as well as educate North Carolinians <br />on the importance of keeping our state litter free. I also want us to recognize and honor <br />the people xvho contribute to keeping North Carolina clean and green. <br /> <br /> We can do this together! I hope you will show your commitment to this effort by <br />adopting a resolution to join the Clean NC 2000 initiative and identifying a county <br />committee to help clean up this state by the end of the year 2000. Thank you for what <br />you are already doing and for what I know you will do to support this effort. <br /> <br /> <br />