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North Carolina Div',ion of Aging <br />Service Co~t Computation Worksheet C:~x~dg~t~732~m DOA-732A <br />Provider:. Cabarrus County DSS 1/98 <br />County: Cabarrus <br />Budget Period: 07/01/99 through 06/30100 <br />Revision yes, _,~_no, revision date ~ <br />In-Home Service Servlca Service Service Service Total <br />Grand Aide <br />I. Projected Revenues Total Level II <br /> A. Fed/State Funding From the Division of Aging 96,853 fllllllllllll/I 96,853 <br /> Required Minimum Match - Cash IIII/llllll//lfl III/11111111111 I//11//11/11111 1/11/11111/111~ IIIIIIIIIIIII1~ IIIIIIII/11//11 II/11//11111//I IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII/111111111 <br /> 1) Cabarrus County 10,761 ~11111111111111 10,761 <br /> 2) 0 ~/1111111111111 <br /> 3) 0 f/llll/lll/llll <br /> Total Required Minimum Match - Cash 10,761 ~//11/11111/I/I 10,761 0.0~ (~ 0 0 0 0 <br /> Required Minimum Match - In-Kind IIIIIIIII/lllllJ IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII1~ IIIIIIIIIIIII1~ IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII <br /> 1) 0 ~11111111111111 <br /> 2) 0 ~11111111111111 <br /> 3) 0 ~11111111111111 <br /> Total Required Minimum Match - In-Kind a f/I/II/1/I///// 0 0.0a (~ 0 0 0 0 <br /> B. Total Required Minimum Match (cash + in-kind) 10,761 f/1/1/1/I////// 10,761 0.00 (~ 0 0 0 0 <br /> C. Subtotal, FedJStateJRequlred Match Revenues 107,614 f/1/1/1/I////// t07,614 0.00 ~) 0 0 0 0 <br /> D. USDA Cash Subsidy/Commodity Valuation 0 /11111111111111 <br /> E. OAA Title V Worker Wages, FHnge Benefits and Costs 0 <br /> Local Cash, Non-Match 1/11//111//111~ IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII/// /I//1111/1111/~ I//11/I////I//~ I///I/I//11/111 //11/I/I//11//I III/11/111/1111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIII <br /> 1) 0 ~1111111111/11/ <br /> 2) 0 flll/I/llllll// <br /> 3) 0 fill/Il/Ill/Ill <br /> 4) 0 f/I/I/1/I////// <br /> F. Subtotal, Local Cash, Non. Match O l/1/I/1/I////// 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 <br /> Other Revenues, Non-Match IIIIIIIIII/111~ IIIIII/11111111 IIIII/I/1111111 IIIIIIII/11111~ I//1111/111111~ II////I/I/11111 IIIII/111111111 /I//I/111111111 III/11111111111 <br /> 1) 0 ~11111111111111 <br /> 2) 0 (////////1111// <br /> 3) 0 ~11//111//I/111 <br /> G. Subtotal, Other Revenues, Non-Match 0 ~/111111111/111 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 <br /> Local In-Kind Resources (Includes Volunteer Resources) 1/11/11/11/111t /111111//111111 II/11111/I/1111 IIII/111/11/111 IIII////lllllfl 1/11111111/I/11 I//I///I/111111 I/ll/lllll/llll IIII/1111111111: <br /> 1) 0 t///llll/llllll <br /> 2) 0 ~1///11/111/I// <br /> 3) 0 flll//llllll/ll <br /> H. Subtotal, Local In-kind Resources, Non-Match 0 ~111111111111/I 0 0.0( 0 0 0 01 0: <br /> I. Client Program Income 1,000 fl/I/I///////// 1,000 0 <br /> J. Total Projected Revenues (Sum I C,D,E,F,G,H, & I) 108,614 f/I/I/I/I////// 108,614 0.00 0 0 0 n <br /> <br /> <br />