Laserfiche WebLink
9. MODIFICATION, MAINTENANCE, ETC. OF APPLICATION SOFTVVARE. <br /> <br /> (a) Licensor will modify or alter the standard application software to <br />conform to local procedures of Licensee provided only that a major "rewrite" (in the sole <br />discretion and judgment of Licensor) is not necessary. In the event that a major "rewrite" <br />is necessary, Licensor shall submit to Licensee a proposal of the expense involved in such <br />action. Licensee shall thereafter determine whether to proceed with the "rewrite". If <br />Licensee elects not to so proceed, Licensee shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement <br />at no additional cost or expense to Licensee. <br /> <br /> (b) Licensor will maintain the application software as originally installed <br />and accepted along with any operational improvements to permit the system to operate <br />more efficiently through the term of this Agreement and any extensions thereof, so long <br />as the equipment and operating software are maintained by the manufacturer of the <br />equipment. <br /> <br /> (c) Licensor shall inform Licensee of all major system enhancements as <br />developed and associated costs of the same during the term of this license. In the event <br />that Licensee desires to enter into an agreement to acquire said enhancements, such shall <br />be the subject of a separate agreement. <br /> <br /> (d) Any changes or enhancements requested by Licensee after approval <br />of final specifications by Licensee, shall be provided by Licensor at the current hourly rate <br />for performing the enhancements or modifications as requested. <br /> <br /> 10. ADDITIONAL SOFTWARE. Licensor and Licensee agree that an "addition" <br />shall be defined as additional software for which the need was not specified in Exhibit "A". <br /> Licensor agrees that if an addition is requested by Licensee, the parties shall negotiate <br />a new agreement with regard to such additional software. <br /> <br /> 11. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION. Licensor will defend at <br />its expense any action brought against Licensee and/or its officers, agents or employees <br />to the extent that it is based upon a claim that licensed programs infringe a copyright in the <br />United States, a United States patent, or any proprietary rights of which Contractor has <br />actual or implied notice, subject to limitation of liability stated herein. Licensor will pay any <br />costs, expenses (including attorneys fees and other costs) and damages as they are <br />incurred and finally awarded against the Licensee in such action which are attributable to <br />such claim, provided that Licensee notifies Licensor promptly in writing of the claim, after <br />Licensee receives written notice of the claim, and Licensor is given the opportunity of fully <br />participating in the defense and/or agrees to any settlement of such claim, and further has <br />full right of prior approval of any and all such costs and expenses. In the event that <br />Licensee, as a result of a dispute regarding a proprietary right, is required to cease using <br />the software, Licensor shall either (i) modify the software so that Licensee's use hereunder <br />ceases to be infringing or multiple, provided the software still performs as originally <br />represented to Licensee, or (ii) procure for Licensee the right to continue using the <br />software. If, after reasonable efforts, Licensor is unable to achieve either (i) or (ii) above, <br />either party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement upon ten (10) days written <br />notice to the other. The indemnities expressed in this section shall survive termination of <br /> <br />3 <br /> <br /> <br />