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EXHIBIT A <br /> <br />TRACT I: <br /> <br /> That certain tract or parcel of land located in or near the City of Concord, Number <br />2 Township, Cabarms County, fronting on the western side of Pitts School Road and <br />being more particularly described as follows: <br /> <br /> BEGINNING at an iron pin in the Eastern margin of the paved portion of Pitts <br />School Road, said point of BEGINNING being in the Southern line of the property of <br />Peyton Pharr and Mary Lou Allred (now or formerly) (See Tax Pin #5509-41-5028; and <br />also see Deed Book 1432 at Page 19, Tract 2, and Deed Book 1432 at Page 21, Tract 2); <br />and also being the Northwestern front corner of the lands of C. Manley Caudle, Jr. and <br />wife, Annette Caudle (now or fom~erly) (See Tax Pin #5509-50-6324; and also see Deed <br />Book 1179 at Page 283); said point of BEGINNING also being South 70-33-44 West <br />23.00 feet from the Southeastern front corner of Peyton Pharr and Mary Lou Allred <br />which is in the Eastern fight-of-way of Pitts School Road; and runs thence with a line in <br />the paved portion of Pitts School Road, South 07-57-37 West, 1232.18 feet to an iron pin <br />in the line' of CMS Development Company (now or formerly) (See Tax Pin #5508-46- <br />1614; and also see Deed Book 618 at Page 204); thence with the Northern line of CMS <br />Development Company, North 83-07-27 West, 928.04 feet to an iron pipe; thence <br />continuing with the line of CMS Development Company the following three (3) calls and <br />distances: (1) South 80-22-59 West, 262.44 feet to an axle; (2) North 67-43-46 West, <br />181.03 feet to an iron pipe; (3) North 18-34-56 West, 512.41 feet to a flat iron in the <br />Southern line of Peyton Pharr and Mary Lou Allred as previously mentioned; thence with <br />the Southern line of Peyton Pharr and Mary Lou Allred the following two (2) calls and <br />distances: (1) North 69-23-57 East, 247.53 feet to an axle; (2) North 70-33-44 East, <br />1537.50 feet to an iron pin at the point and place of BEGINNING, and containing 29.735 <br />acres as shown on boundary survey titled "Boundary Survey of C. M. Roseman, Peyton <br />Pharr and Mary Lou Allred Property" prepared by Concord Engineering and Surveying, <br />Inc., and dated July 31, 1998, to which boundary survey reference is hereby made for a <br />more particular description of the property. <br /> <br />TRACT II: <br /> <br /> Lying and being in Cabarrus County, City of Concord, No. 2 Township, and <br />beginning at a set iron pin within the right-of-way of Pitts School Road, said iron pin <br />being the northeast corner of the property of C.M. Roseman and wife, Wilda F. Roseman <br />(now or formerly - See Deed Book 390, Page 494); and running thence with the property <br />line of said Roseman the two (2) following courses and distances: (1) South 70-33-44 <br />West, 1537.50 feet to an existing iron pin (passing a set iron pin at 36.52 feet and an <br />existing iron pin at 979.20 feet); and (2) South 69-23-57 West, 247.53 feet to an existing <br />iron pin, a corner with the property of CMS Development Co. (now or fo,merly - See <br /> <br /> <br />