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The above responses show that 67% of the persons surveyed would use public transportation to <br />access medical services. The second most likely trips (at 13%) would be for recreation and <br />work. Shopping destinations would aze desirable 8 percent of the time. As shown by the <br />total, six multiple responses were received for this question. This is a result of persons <br />desiring to reach several different destinations. <br /> <br />On which street do you live? <br /> <br />Blume Ave. 1 <br />Corev AVa. 4 22 <br />Dawmflt 1 6% <br />Freedom St. 1 <br />Griffin Circle 4 22 % <br />Harold Circle <br />Health Dent_ Drive 1 <br />Line01n 2 11 <br />Lincoln St. I <br /> <br />Fifty-five percent of the persons surveyed live on three streets: Corey Avenue (22%), Griffin <br />Circle (22 %), or Lincoln Street (11%). <br /> <br />When you travel to work or elsewhere, how many miles do you routinely travel one-way <br />to your destination? <br /> <br />The table above shows that 45% of the trips taken are between 5 to 10 miles. Thkty-six <br />percent of the persons surveyed travel 5 or less miles. Only two persons travel 10 or more <br />miles. <br /> <br />In what city or town do you live? <br /> <br />Cabarrus County 3 17% <br /> <br />Gonnett Fleming <br />ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS <br /> <br />35 <br /> <br /> <br />