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County, was established to review three alternative revenue sources to finance <br />capital facilities--particularly impact fees, impact taxes, and land transfer taxes. <br />The group analyzed the legal requirements that apply to a system of impact <br />fees: (1) the calculation of fees in proportion to the public facility need caused <br />by new development, (2) the accounting of fees collected, and (3) the <br />expenditure of revenue by a certain deadline to benefit the development for <br />which it was collected. Seeking to avoid these constraints, the group eventually <br />endorsed legislation authorizing an impact tax.s House bill 925, introduced by <br />request7 in the spring of the 1989 General Assembly session, would have <br />authorized Chapel Hill and Carrboro to adopt impact taxes to finance roads, <br />stormwater facilities, open space and recreation, and police and fire stations. It <br />would have also authorized the county to use such taxes to finance schools, <br />libraries, stormwater facilit!es, open space and recreation, and public safety <br />facilities, including jails. House bill 925 also provided that no such tax could be <br />applied to areas subject to an impact fee adopted by'Chapel Hill, Carrl~oro, or <br />the county. However, political opposition surfaced and the affected local <br />governments were unable to agree quickly to proposed bill revisions. The bill <br />was withdrawn less than a month after it was introduced. <br /> <br />6. The impact tax was intended to be as comprehensive as possible, essentially an excise lax on <br />the incidenls or impacls o! land development and building construction rather than a privilege lax <br />on the business of development and construction. A privilege tax could not have been applied to <br />someone who conslructed a home for his or her own use and who was not in the construction <br /> <br />business. <br /> <br />7. A bill introduced by request is a bill Whose sponsor does not necessarily supporl it or advocate <br /> <br />its adoption. <br /> 31 <br /> <br />26 <br /> <br /> <br />