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bringing the total number with such legislation to twenty.24 In six of the twenty <br />states (th~at is, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Vermont, Washington, and West <br />Virginia), the enabling legislation either expressly or implicitly includes authority <br />to fund schools.2s In still other states (for example, Florida), school impact fees <br />have been validated despite the absence of express impact-fee enabling <br />legislation.26 <br /> <br /> The North Carolina General Statu~s (hereinafter G.S.) do expressly <br /> <br />authorize vadous types of exactions (for example, land dedication . <br />requirements, public facility construction, fees in lieu of dedication or <br />construction) for various types of public facilities (that is, recreation areas and <br />facilities, streets, utilities, community service facilities).27 Similarly, several <br />dozen North Carolina cities and counties have been made subject to local acts <br /> <br /> 24. Madin L. Leitner and Susan P. Schoettle, "A Survey of State Impact Fee Enabling <br /> <br /> Legislation," Urban Law25 (1993): 491,492. <br /> <br /> 25. Id. at 497-503 (Table 1: Analysis of State Impact Fee Legislation). <br /> <br />26. See St. Johns County v. Nodheast Flodda Builders Ass'n, Inc. 583 So. 2d 635 (Fla. 1991). <br />27. The North Carolina General Statutes explicitly authorize cities and counties lo require <br />subdividers of land to dedicate land for (1) streets, (2) utilities, and (3) parks. G.S. 160A-372; <br />153A-331. Subdivision pla/approval may also be conditioned on the construction or installation <br />of 'community service facilities." Id. A city or cour~y may require Ihe dedication of recreation <br />areas or the construction of slreet improvements; it may also accept fees from subdividers In lieu <br />of these. Id. In some instances exactions may be imposed on applicanls for zoning permils as <br />well: a city or county may require the dedication of street or utility rights-of-way or the provision of <br />recreational space as a condilion o! a special- or conditional-use permit required by a zoning <br />ordinance. G.S. 160A-381; 153-340. There is no explicit authority to require developers to <br /> <br />'dedicate or improve land for a public school. 40 <br /> <br />35 <br /> <br /> <br />