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in new rental housing,s4 Vadous proposals were m;:~¢:!e to waive impact fees for <br /> housing 15rojects that were intended to benefit those ,,,ith Iow or moderate <br /> incomes. Ultimately the county decided against gral'~ing any waivers or <br /> exemptions of this type. Instead, it chose to entertain requests by such <br /> organizations for county appropriations sufficient to defray the costs of paying <br /> such fees. <br /> <br /> Exemptions may also violate the common stat,:: constitutional <br />requirement of free public schools. The problem was i':lustrated recently in the <br />1991 Florida Supreme Coud decision in St. Johns County v. Northeast Fla. <br />Builders' Ass'n, The school impact fee ordina,~~ce adopted by St. Johns <br />County, Florida, provided the feepayer with an alter~':-'~ive to paying the impact <br />fee established in the uniform schedule of fees. In e. ence, it allowed the <br />feepayer to avoid the fee if the feepayer showed by ;'-.equate documentation <br />that no children would be living in the feepayer's part! ular dwelling unit. The <br /> <br />court found that under this provision, property owne~ .... ,vho warranted that their <br /> <br />children would attend private school or that they had no children could be made <br />exempt from the fee with the understanding that if thc, -e circumstances changed <br />the fee would have to be paid. According to the court, this provision meant that <br /> <br />54. The incidence of impact fees and olher exactions has been widely debated. Several <br />researchers recently have concluded thai in the case ot impac~. ., home purchasers and <br />renters do in fact absorb the greatesl portion of the costs. Owner; ,f raw land absorb a small <br />portion of the costs. Developers are unlikely to absorb any sig~ ,Jant portion of the costs, at least <br />in the long run. See Forrest E. Huffman, Jr., et at., "Who Bear'.~ <br /> <br />Impact Fees?" in Development Impact Fees, Arthur C. Nelson, ¢ <br /> <br />1980), 320-21. <br /> <br />55. 583 So. 2d 635 (Fla. 1991). <br /> <br />54 <br /> <br />Burden of Development <br /> <br />"hicago: Planners Press, <br /> <br /> <br />